Sunday, October 24, 2021

TCATS #406 - 20 Months Later. . .MSW Resumes

It's true that the Choir's official return from the pandemic hiatus was a few weeks ago when we performed at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' annual general conference. But since general conference is viewed mostly by members of the Church, today's Music & the Spoken Word  broadcast was truly significant because it was the first time that fans, viewers and listeners around the world (who, of course, consist of people of all walks of life), were able to experience a live broadcast. 

Today's broadcast was also significant because of the many enhancements it included, all of which are highlighted in the Choir's official blog (HERE).  In short though, the enhancements included a new opening sequence, a new logo, a new arrangement of "Gently Raise", and the inclusion of more on-screen information for each song performed. 

Also today, we performed three new songs, one newly arranged song, and two Choir favorites. The last song performed, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" was the last song the Choir sang back in March 2020 before the Choir had to go into "pause mode". So it was nice to end with that one, again. 

So how did I personally feel about the whole experience? 

Some thoughts: 

*Overall, I enjoyed it. And there were a few moments when I felt that tingly, uplifting feeling wash over me which was intertwined with hope and gratitude. 

*While I was appreciative of each song we sang, especially the new one I wrote about last week, it was nice to include a Spanish song --"Tuya es la Gloria (To Thee Be the Glory)"--as I've always thought that we should do more songs that our brothers and sisters in other countries can especially appreciate.

*It was nice to have Lloyd Newell address the choir before the broadcast started. I think he articulated what we were all feeling: we had taken a long break and that break was difficult. But being back together again, it was strange to feel that in some regards, it was like we never had the break at all. 

*We all missed the energy that a live audience contributes to the overall broadcast experience. That was most notable at the end when we normally sing "God Be With You" to all those in attendance. With no audience today, we didn't end with that song.

*I was grateful for a little experience I had while I was standing in the make-up line before the broadcast started. The individuals both in front of me and behind me were both "new" to the Choir (meaning they had made it into the choir in 2020) and it was fun to get to know them a little bit and hear about their excitement to sing on their very first Music & the Spoken Word broadcast. It brought back a few memories...

With this broadcast behind us, the Choir train has entered familiar territory again. While the journey it took us all on during the past 20 months was a strange one invoking emotions all across the spectrum, I'm glad the scenery, the train's speed, and the terrain are all back to "normal". 

Well, almost. (as soon we ditch the covid protocols, THEN we'll be back to normal)

Until next time, God be with you.



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