Sunday, February 16, 2020

TCATS #319 - My Top Tab Songs, Part 1

After singing with the Tabernacle Choir for six years now, I definitely have compiled a list of my favorite songs. Fifteen of them, to be exact. I could certainly make a list of 30 if I really wanted to, but I figure the higher you go, the less meaningful the word "favorite" becomes, right? So, I keep it to 15. Every so often though, one of the songs on that list gets replaced by another song that, over time, has come to mean more and has caused me to feel more. And to be honest, that's really what my favorite 15 are all about. They are songs that have deeply meaningful and personal lyrics. And they are songs that directly connect with my feelings in a way that I often can't describe. 

Some might look at this list and say "Wait a second...why in the world didn't [insert your favorite Tabernacle Choir song here] make it to his list?!" Well, to answer your question, I really couldn't tell you. But that's the beauty of music. Different songs touch different people. And the Tabernacle Choir certainly performs a diverse repertoire of songs that aims to appeal to a very diverse, worldwide audience. 

Below, in part 1 of this "Top Tab Songs" series, I list the first seven in my list. You're invited to give these a listen, preferably in a quiet environment, where you can really listen, feel, and connect. As mentioned above, some of these actually might not be songs that you personally connect to. And that's completely OK. But it's my hope that at least a few of these do. Note that these are not listed in any particular order.
1.  Brother James Air'. With scripture-based lyrics, such as "In pastures green He leadeth me", and "My soul He doth restore again," and "Goodness and mercy all my days will surely follow me", this song always speaks to me and whatever hard thing I'm going through at the time. The song tune is beautiful, as are the dynamics that seem to correlate with the dynamics experience in life. [More HERE]

2.  Simple Gifts. One of the messages of this song never ceases to get old: each of us can use gifts God has given us which will, in the end, help us "turn round right" and come unto Christ. And as we come to Christ, we will not only experience a "valley of love and delight" here, but in the next life to come. This song also has such a fun, upbeat tempo and the flute steals the show. [More HERE]

3.  Psalm 148. This song is different take on the tune of "All Creatures of Our God and King." I love the harmonies and orchestration and every time we sing the very last note, the orchestra cuts out and our voices just reverberate throughout the Tabernacle. It's glorious. [More HERE]

4.  Standing on the Promises. Life is difficult for everyone. Sure, there are seasons of not-so-hard, but it's been my experience at least that usually something going on is just hard. But this song's message brings real hope to my heart. It tells me that although this life requires a lot of faith (whether one wants to exert it or not) and sometimes the "why's" remain a mystery, we can stand on the promises of God that He'll support us and deliver us if we stand firm on what we know to be true. [More HERE]

5.  Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. I realize this song has become a very popular one, especially among the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But I always love singing it. Who doesn't connect with the lyrics "prone to leave the God I love"? Honestly though, I think of a friend of mine who used this song week after week for years, to gain strength and courage and faith that God would answer her prayer as she put forth effort and sacrificed all she could. And answer He finally did. And oh! The strings, the crescendos, the sheer power at the end that just sweeps over those listening... It's incredible! [More HERE]

6.  It is Well With My Soul. The story behind this song both breaks my heart and gives me a determination to keep the faith no matter what happens. "Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say it is well, it is well, with my soul." Musically, I love how this arrangement has the different parts echoing and re-emphasizing the messages this song contains. The women will sing a line, the men will then sing that same line and to me it helps me remember we're not alone in this journey. We have others around us to help us out. [More HERE]

7.  Love Divine All Loves Excelling. I think I just have a soft spot for grand and glorious pieces of music. This one just builds and builds, adding more sound from the choir and the orchestra until at long last in a strong forte we sing about finally becoming pure and reaching heaven and having all of the experiences in this life be worth it. Tear factor: 10 out of 10. I often have to sit down after this song and take deep breaths just because it takes so much out of me. [More HERE]

Next week, numbers 8-15! 

Until then, may God be with you.

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