Sunday, May 15, 2016

MTC Week #124 - Waiting (All Loves Excelling)

Thursday night at rehearsal, I was SO excited to discover that we'd be rehearsing and performing Love Divine, All Loves Excelling. This song is definitely one of my favorites. The words, combined with the notes and the orchestral arrangement just connect my heart with heaven like few songs do. As such, when I noticed all of the visitors coming into the Tabernacle to listen to the rehearsal, I was really happy that they'd get a chance to hear this song. 

The moment soon came when our director asked us to pull out the song. We did so, and started rehearsing certain sections of it. About five minutes into rehearsing it, I noticed some individuals in the audience getting up to leave (which, of course, happens all the time during the hours of our rehearsing). In this case though, on this night, I wanted to yell out "Wait! Don't go! You'll REALLY want to hear this song in its entirety. Just stay a few minutes longer." 

Of course, I did not yell. But as I saw them go, my heart was saddened. If only they'd wait just another five minutes, they'd be able to hear this magnificent piece from beginning to end! A piece that surely would lift their hearts and lighten their burdens. 

In my momentary despair, my focus shifted to the many, many who were staying. And suddenly I was glad again. The empty seats left by those who had left, were still empty. I was grateful they had come and hoped they felt happy being there. But I had a happy heart for those who were staying. 

As I thought about this experience afterwards, I thought about how many times in life we give up, don't endure, or cast off patience as a trait we (ironically) don't have the patience to acquire. Since it's hard to see the bigger picture, we sometimes don't realize that a glorious dawn is just moments away. Obviously, I'm in no way labeling those who left the rehearsal as impatient--they are simply fitting into my analogy! But it just impressed me that there are often great rewards in waiting. And, may I add, hopefully waiting. 

At any rate, if you have a few minutes, you are invited to listen to Love Divine, All Loves Excelling, HERE, from today's broadcast. (The link won't last long, so here's a previously released version just in case). Singing it today was everything I hoped it would be.

Until next time, God be with you. 

From today's broadcast

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