Sunday, July 29, 2018

MTC #238 - "You Did Well"

I really enjoyed the Mormon Tabernacle Choir experience today. I mean, I usually do and I'm always grateful to be a part of this wonderful labor of love. But some days everything just seems to go perfectly--hitting all the notes correctly, loving all of the songs, sitting next to fellow basses who have become really good friends, having good conversations with people during the walks to and from the Tabernacle, feeling the Spirit, and the list goes on. Today was one of those perfect days.

It was only made more perfect with what happened after the broadcast as I was waiting for the others in my carpool to put their music back and get changed back into their normal clothes. As I stood by the tunnel connecting the Tabernacle to the Conference Center parking lot, I watched as one of the electric carts approached and began to go by me (these carts are driven by security as they typically shuttle general authorities, relatives of those authorities, and otherwise VIP folks). As I turned to see who was sitting on the back of the cart, it was none other than President Dallin H. Oaks! He had come to watch the broadcast today as Leticia Oaks Strong was a featured violinist on one of the songs we performed (who did an amazing job, by the way). At any rate, our eyes locked and with a big smile he said "You did well today. Thank you."

Cloud nine.

I'm grateful for genuinely good people. I'm thankful for music. I'm thankful God blesses each of us with talents. I'm thankful for a loving family and caring friends. I'm thankful to feel positive and uplifting emotions. And I'm thankful when things just simply work out.

Until next time, God be with you.

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