It was our special Thanksgiving Day broadcast this morning and the six songs we sang were a near perfect fit for the occasion:
Saints Bound for Heaven: thanking God for delivering faithful followers of him, through the ages
For the Beauty of the Earth: giving thanks for this beautiful world we live in. Yes, it's filled will lots of people who don't do very good things, and in some cases, do terribly awful things. But, it's also filled with really good people who build, encourage, and uplift.
Now Thank We All Our God: Praising God for all He's given us
Over the River & Through the Woods: lighthearted, yes. But Thanksgiving is largely centered on getting together with family and loved ones (and in some cases, going to "grandmother's house"). Is there any better company to be in when you're expressing thanks? Nope.
Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep: what could give us a better sense of gratitude than to actually think about all the blessings we have?
Thou Gracious God Whose Mercy Lends: I'll let the lyrics speak for themselves. "We thank thee, Father; let thy grace our loving circle still embrace, thy mercy shed its heavenly store, thy peace be with us evermore."
I'm thankful for being a member of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. I look forward to singing with my fellow brothers and sisters every week. I'm thankful for the songs we sing, for the people I have befriended and love, for the directors and staff who work so hard, and for the many millions of people who listen to the Choir and support them. I'm also thankful for my wife and family who, week in, and week out, continue to support me in this calling & opportunity. I'm often asked the question how long I'll stay in the Choir. My reply is always the same: I don't know. :) But God willing, I'll stay as long as He will have me. Like so much in our lives, it's in His hands.
Until next time, God be with you.
PS: It was pretty cool to see the smile on Ryan Murphy's face today after he conducted the entire program and realized it went as well as he had hoped.