Sunday, November 18, 2018

TCATS #254 - Of Being Thankful

Image result for giving thanks

It was our special Thanksgiving Day broadcast this morning and the six songs we sang were a near perfect fit for the occasion:

Saints Bound for Heaven: thanking God for delivering faithful followers of him, through the ages
For the Beauty of the Earth: giving thanks for this beautiful world we live in. Yes, it's filled will lots of people who don't do very good things, and in some cases, do terribly awful things. But, it's also filled with really good people who build, encourage, and uplift.
Now Thank We All Our God: Praising God for all He's given us
Over the River & Through the Woods: lighthearted, yes. But Thanksgiving is largely centered on getting together with family and loved ones (and in some cases, going to "grandmother's house"). Is there any better company to be in when you're expressing thanks? Nope.
Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep: what could give us a better sense of gratitude than to actually think about all the blessings we have?
Thou Gracious God Whose Mercy Lends: I'll let the lyrics speak for themselves. "We thank thee, Father; let thy grace our loving circle still embrace, thy mercy shed its heavenly store, thy peace be with us evermore."

I'm thankful for being a member of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. I look forward to singing with my fellow brothers and sisters every week. I'm thankful for the songs we sing, for the people I have befriended and love, for the directors and staff who work so hard, and for the many millions of people who listen to the Choir and support them. I'm also thankful for my wife and family who, week in, and week out, continue to support me in this calling & opportunity. I'm often asked the question how long I'll stay in the Choir. My reply is always the same: I don't know. :)  But God willing, I'll stay as long as He will have me. Like so much in our lives, it's in His hands.

Until next time, God be with you.

PS: It was pretty cool to see the smile on Ryan Murphy's face today after he conducted the entire program and realized it went as well as he had hoped. 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

TCATS #253 - Semper Paratus

The Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square, along with the Bells on Temple Square, presented a special Music and the Spoken Word today to honor veterans everywhere. It turned out to be a very nice and inspirational program filled with patriotic music, a really great organ number, a touching piece by the bells, and a message about the history of Veterans Day. Did you know that today marked the 100th anniversary of the inception of Veterans Day (or Armistice Day as it was called originally)?  From the spoken word today: "In recognition of this day of peace and hope, United States President Woodrow Wilson designated November 11 as Armistice Day, which would later be renamed Veterans Day. 'To us in America,' he declared, 'the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in their country’s service and with gratitude for the victory.'”

To be clear, I'm very grateful for all who have served, and are serving in the military, who protect and watch over our country. They often spend A LOT of time away from their families, and many pay a great cost both physically and mentally. That said, I found myself struggling today to be as enthusiastic as I felt I should be. I felt conflicted. What kind of country, which has been protected by our armed forces, do we now live in? Is "the United States of America" even accurate anymore? I feel like we're more divided now than we've ever been. Our constitution remains in force, but is it honored, respected, and followed as originally intended?

This is not a blog about government or politics or even our country, so I won't remain on those topics. Suffice it to say, I've become very discouraged when it comes to anything related to such topics. And each time I sing about our great country, that discouragement--in some form or another--surfaces.

So, today as I sang and participated, I tried to focus on just being thankful for people who have sacrificed much. And to optimistically hope for more unification rather than division.

An extra rehearsal followed the broadcast and we continued marching forward in learning Christmas songs for the upcoming concert. As I was walking to the parking garage afterwards, I heard some choir members behind me wondering what kind of voice Kristin Chenowith will bring with her to the concerts. It made me smile because I just can't picture her singing "Angels from the Realms of Glory" with the singing style she used for songs like "Popular" from Wicked! But I guess we'll see, won't we.

Until next time, God be with you.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

TCATS #252 - Love Rules

Two things I wanted to mention for today's post...

First, most Spoken Word messages, which are a part of Music & the Spoken Word each week, are prepared weeks in advance. Bro. Lloyd Newell usually pre-records them weeks in advance, as well. Music is chosen to help enhance the theme of the spoken word message--though not all of the music selected is for that purpose. Today, however, given the terrible tragedy at the Tree of Life Synagogue this past week, it was decided that the spoken word be partially rewritten just a few days ago, both out of respect and out of love for the families and friends of the victims. Of course, the message is not just for them, but for everyone--a message of working harder to come together as brothers and sisters and of showing more love and respect. 

Hate crimes are terrible, in and of themselves. But the way this country is so bitterly divided, on just about everything, is a tragedy as well. The music and spoken word today was presented in an effort to remind all of us that we're all in this journey of life together and love will always prevail. Here are a few excerpts from today's message:

But there’s something else that happens in the wake of horrible events, something that sparks hope: In the process of mourning with those who mourn, we remember that we share a common humanity, a brotherhood, sisterhood. We realize that although we look, believe, and think differently, we share this small space in the universe, and we need each other. When one group or individual suffers, we all do. So we help one another through difficulties and trials, because that’s the only way we can move forward in the face of suffering.

We’re truly in this together. We need voices of peace. We need hearts of love. We need souls that respect our shared humanity—who generate light instead of heat. In other words, we need each other. In the end, hate will not win; goodness will. Ultimately, evil does not rule the day; love does—and always will. Voices of peace and hearts of love are never alone.

I certainly have days when I think love won't prevail. But my hope and my faith demand better thinking of me. And when I truly look at the bigger picture, there are so many good people doing so man good things. That reality keeps the other, more dismal reality, at bay.

Second, while I enjoyed singing several songs today, one in particular was The Impossible Dream. Not only are the words inspiring ("...march into hell for a heavenly cause!"), but a good friend of mine who just joined the choir this year has had it on his bucket list to sing this song with the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. And today his bucket list was fulfilled! It was fun to feed off of his excitement and to see how happy he was.

That's about it. Until next time, God be with you.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

TCATS #251 - Settled Rest

As you know, life can just be really hard sometimes. And this past week was one of those weeks. Even some aspects of choir were hard. But through it all, I'm grateful for the people who care about me and I'm always thankful for edifying and uplifting music because it does have a significant effect on healing from hardships and feeling spiritually fed. 

My favorite hymn we sang today was "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need".The lyrics that touched me the most are bolded.

My Shepherd will supply my need;
Jehovah is His Name;
In pastures fresh He makes me feed
Beside the living stream.

He brings my wand’ring spirit back
When I forsake His ways,

And leads me, for His mercy’s sake,
In paths of truth and grace

There would I find a settled rest
While others go and come,
No more a stranger or a guest,
But like a child at home.

I'm thankful for a kind Heavenly Father and a merciful Savior who are extremely patient and who are anxious to bless and help. Even when there's a particular blessing I want that doesn't seem to come, there are plenty of other blessings in my life that testify of God's love and grace. 

Until next time, God be with you.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

TCATS #250 - Using Gifts

My deepest sympathies for all of you who tried to get tickets for the Christmas Concert this year, but were met with all sorts of roadblocks and frustrations. Once again, the servers handling the ticket requests were unable to process all of those requests efficiently and effectively, leaving many of you with a most unpleasant experience. The word is that the Church will be fixing that problem for next year's ticket distribution experience. But I know that doesn't help with the fact that you didn't get any this year. I hope that you'll consider going early to get in the stand-by line because in all of my years doing Christmas concerts (5 now), MANY of those in that line actually do get in.

Today I was in an observer seat since I wasn't able to make it to Thursday night's rehearsal. Our family has a foreign exchange student living with us for three weeks and since she's a soccer fan, I took her and my other kids to a REAL soccer game at Rio Tinto stadium Thursday evening. A good time was had by all and I'm glad we were able to go. But, I do always miss choir when I don't go, and miss the people I've become good friends with there.

After a great broadcast, we launched into extra rehearsal #1 of 8, for the Christmas concert. We worked on three or four pieces, as well as a couple of songs for next week's broadcast. I don't want to give away all of the songs we'll be singing at this year's concert because everyone loves a surprise, right? But I do want to mention just one...Carol of the Drum. It's one of my favorite Christmas songs. I just love the narrative of this young man who doesn't feel like he has any gift to give to baby Jesus--only to to discover that the talent he has of playing the drums is a perfectly acceptable gift. Arguably the best gift. I tear up every time! I always think about the gifts I have and if I recognize them--and use them for the benefit of others. 

How are you using YOUR gifts?

Until next time, God be with you.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

TCATS #249 - Pushing Through

Today was just one of those days I wasn't really excited to get up early and go to the Tabernacle to sing. Any of you who know me, know how extremely grateful and humbled I am at being able to sing with the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. So my not wanting to go sing today had nothing to do with that. It's just sometimes you get tired and life is busy and when faced with responsibilities--even ones you normally love--you just want a break. Nothing wrong with that. I actually could have taken a break and not gone in, but I have some family things going on this coming Thursday for which I'll miss rehearsal for so because of that fact, I got up, got ready, drove to my carpool spot, and got a ride into the Tabernacle to perform Music and the Spoken Word.

The crowds continue to amaze me. Even with it being in the 30s this morning, temperature-wise, they just kept coming in the doors. And by 9:30, we had another full house eager to see us perform. 

I pushed through my fatigue, trying my best to make the songs come alive for me and hone in on the wonderful themes we were singing about. And while I don't think I did a great job, I think I did OK, all things considered. What always motivates me the most on days like today, is looking out at the audience, getting a feel for who they are and why they had come. Whether it's tears or smiles, or just intense staring (or even disinterest) being exhibited by the audience members, everyone there was being surrounded and immersed in the music and those with open hearts were being influenced in just the way they needed to be. The other thing that motivates me is the people and friends around me. I feed off of their excitement and happiness and I siphoned off an extra dose of that today.

The song I enjoyed singing the most today was THE GROUND. Not a very flashy title, but if you hear it in the context of being "grounded" in truth and in our Savior Jesus Christ, it takes on a whole new meaning. You can give it a listen, HERE

Not much of an inspiring blog entry for you--I'm sorry. But I'm just keeping it real. Next week after the broadcast, we start learning Christmas music for our concert in December. I can't believe it's already THAT time. However, I'm really excited to delve into Christmas music which I think includes some of the best pieces of music ever written. We'll have eight extra rehearsals between now and the concerts, six of which we must attend, and that will take us right up to Christmas Concert week where we basically tell our loved ones farewell and we'll see them after the week is over. :)

Until next time, God be with you. 

PS: For the last 248 entries, I've started each title with "MTC", meaning "Mormon Tabernacle Choir". But I realized today that I need to change the acronym to align with our new and improved name. TCATS.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

MTC #248 - Conference Report (Unique x 3)

Conference is always an exciting and much anticipated event for the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This time, in particular, given how much overtime the rumor mill was putting in, individuals and families tuned in to hear instruction and counsel by church leaders and to hear if any of the rumors were going to come true.

This blog, however, is not about conference itself, but rather about the music rendered during conference.  And this time, there were three important and unique aspects of conference music that I want to mention.

But before I do that, here are some numbers (for all you statistics people!):

Total songs sung: 21*
  Hymns from LDS hymn book: 13
  Children/Primary songs: 3
  Other hymns: 3
  American Folk Songs: 2^

Songs Memorized: 14
Hours rehearsed: approx. 10-12^^

*=this includes Music & the Spoken Word (MSW) on Sunday morning before the Sun AM session of conference
^=one of these was sung during MSW, one during conference
^^=does not include outside, individual memorizing time--which is fairly significant for newer members of the choir

OK. So on to the three unique things I wanted to mention...

First, it was the very first time that the choir performed as The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square (yes, "MoTab" is no longer). The name change was announced this past Friday morning, and there are plenty of news articles that covered the announcement (here's one). While the reaction to the name change has been mixed, I, personally, am excited for the change. Yes, it's going to take a very long time for the new name to take a firm hold around the world. And I suspect that even though there will be a lot of effort to educate people on the new name, some will continue to use the old one. But the change just feels right, and it falls perfectly in line with not only what the prophet has asked us to do, but it matches up with the other musical organizations of the Church: The Orchestra at Temple Square, and, The Bells on Temple Square. Already, church members and fans who have heard about the change are giving us a new acronym to go by: TCATS or TabCats. Not sure I'm on-board with that, but we'll see over time what acronym sticks.

Our last rehearsal as The Mormon Tabernacle Choir
For all of those who are not happy with the change--well--there's little to say. I just hope you can hop on board and continue to enjoy what's at the core of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square: high quality inspirational music!

The second unique thing about music at this conference was one of the songs we sang was requested by President Nelson. That, in and of itself, is not unique (he and other prophets/general authorities have requested songs before), but, what is unique is that it was not a traditional LDS hymn! It was actually a beautiful, somewhat haunting folk-song titled "His Voice is the Sound." When Mack first told us all about this, he said he had been somewhat shocked at the request, simply because the song was not a hymn or in the "traditional" Conference repertoire. Given that President Nelson is already being called the "prophet of change" though, I guess it's not too much of a surprise he requested a non-traditional song. But still...a pretty big deal, at least in the eyes of the choir. President Nelson didn't mention the song in his conference address that immediately followed the song, but as I talked with people, and thought about it, I realized how perfect it was as a backdrop to his talk (which was about the importance of correcting the name that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been known by--namely, "The Mormons"). One only need ponder on the title of the folk-song to see how well it supports the theme of the talk: The Lord's voice is the sound we should hear. It's the sound we should follow. It's the sound that should resonate within our heart and within our soul. For me, too, the song seems to connect the Christ of long ago, with the Christ of today--and why it is that we should worship Him and strive to be like Him. AND, why we should strive to help the world understand that the Church we belong to is none other than the Church of JESUS CHRIST.

The last unique thing about the music at this conference is that it included a hymn with words written by our prophet, President Nelson (titled "Our Prayer to Thee"). It was fittingly sung as the last song of conference. If you would like to listen to it (and for some, listen to it again) with the lyricist in mind, you can, HERE.

All in all, I just want to say how grateful I am that I get to sing with this marvelous choir. I'm humbled, all the time, at the unique opportunity. Several of the newer members of the choir were making similar comments during the past couple of days and those comments reminded me of the importance of always approaching this opportunity with humility and a focus on the choir's core mission: to musically uplift, inspire, and testify of Jesus Christ to all the world. 
Lastly, a huge thanks to the organists (they have a heavy load playing so many pieces without any other accompaniment), the tech crew, our directors, and, of course, my wife and kids who continue to support me in this adventure. Love them!

Until next time, God be with you.