Sunday, October 28, 2018

TCATS #251 - Settled Rest

As you know, life can just be really hard sometimes. And this past week was one of those weeks. Even some aspects of choir were hard. But through it all, I'm grateful for the people who care about me and I'm always thankful for edifying and uplifting music because it does have a significant effect on healing from hardships and feeling spiritually fed. 

My favorite hymn we sang today was "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need".The lyrics that touched me the most are bolded.

My Shepherd will supply my need;
Jehovah is His Name;
In pastures fresh He makes me feed
Beside the living stream.

He brings my wand’ring spirit back
When I forsake His ways,

And leads me, for His mercy’s sake,
In paths of truth and grace

There would I find a settled rest
While others go and come,
No more a stranger or a guest,
But like a child at home.

I'm thankful for a kind Heavenly Father and a merciful Savior who are extremely patient and who are anxious to bless and help. Even when there's a particular blessing I want that doesn't seem to come, there are plenty of other blessings in my life that testify of God's love and grace. 

Until next time, God be with you.

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