As was the case Christmas week, the choir had another week off this past week due to New Year's Day landing on a Thursday. So, Mac Wilberg and Ryan Murphy again chose songs today that the choir was mostly familiar with so that we'd be able to quickly get them ready for the broadcast. Fortunately, most of the choir members were in attendance today and I think we looked and sounded fairly complete.
After a few announcements--one of which was about the tour participation roster being posted tomorrow (roster=those who have been selected to go) and the need for those going to find a roommate--we launched into our rehearsal which seemed to go much more smoothly than last week's.
One of the songs we sang today was "Standing on the Promises". We had performed this song back in May but this time I thought more about the words
Standing firm is hard. Walking in the dark or the dim, hoping for more light, is not easy. Having faith that things will work when "reality" seems to speak loudly that they won't, is difficult. But the promises that light will come, that faith will be rewarded, that God will extend mercy, will all be realized if we stand firm.
Standing on the promises I cannot fall,
List’ning every moment to the Spirit’s call,
Resting in my Savior as my all in all,
Standing on the promises of God.
I'm thankful again to be in this choir and for the many blessings that flow from the music I get to sing and the people I get to interact with.
Stand firm...and until next week, God be with you!