Sunday, June 16, 2024

TCATS #494 - Personal Guests & Farewell to Lloyd

I had the privilege of having my mother and my great aunt join me for rehearsal this past Thursday. As choir members, we can invite people we know to come on Thursday nights and have them enjoy a "Tabernacle Choir experience". They sit in the loft next to all of us, they are given music to read from, and then near the end of rehearsal they are introduced to the Choir by Mack himself. Mack bases these introductions off of a short biography each guest is asked to write up and submit beforehand.

At any rate, it was fun to see both of them have such a good experience. And it was fun riding home with them afterwards to hear their perspective on what they thought about it all. Their comments centered on how much they enjoyed the music, the people sitting next to them (who were all very kind and accommodating), and getting to testify of Christ as they sang the music. They were also struck on how "get down to business" Mack was and how carefully they had to listen to make sure they were understanding all of the instructions being given. 

Around 9:05 or so and after the introductions, the guests were excused from the loft while the rest of the choir continued rehearsing. I left with the guest group and once we were down near the front of the audience seats, one of the Choir photographers took a picture of my mom and aunt Winnie and then a picture of all of us (including my brother Jordan who had come). We talked a bit with the Pres. and Sis. Porter (who my mom knew from years ago) and then we left! 

Personally, along with seeing my mom and aunt so happy, it was nice to have something "new" as part of my Thursday Choir experience. It also made me a little more grateful for having the opportunity to sing with the Choir in the first place.

Switching gears, today was Lloyd Newell's last broadcast. For the past 34 years, he's been the voice of Music & the Spoken Word and as you can imagine, he and his wife were a bit emotional today as they said goodbye to this very significant part of their lives. Lloyd had hand-picked the song selections today and the spoken word appropriately focused on CHANGE. 

Several choir members around me got a little emotional as we sang "God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again" to Bro. & Sis. Newell as a final farewell. While I was thankful for his service and consider him a brilliant writer and speaker (he composed over 1700 spoken word messages or mini-sermons during his tenure), I didn't find myself getting too emotional. I acknowledge I have been touched on numerous occasions from his spoken word messages, but I also look forward to seeing how Derrick Porter (his replacement) will fill his shoes. Maybe he'll walk in the same style as Lloyd. Or maybe, just maybe, he'll do things a little differently. 

Oh, and before I end this entry, it was announced on Thursday that the Choir's next tour destination (next Feb) is Lima, Peru. I won't be around for that one, but I'm glad the Choir gets to go to such a beautiful destination and mingle with/sing to the people there. 

Until next time, God be with you.

L to R: brother Jordan, my mom Linda, Aunt Winnie, and me!

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