I've been thinking a lot lately about actual truth versus institutionally endorsed truth. It's true they can be one and the same, but I think it's important to make the distinction because of the resulting conclusions that can be reached. One can mistakenly think that positive, heartwarming feelings (the fruits) are coming from the institution rather than the truths themselves.
For example, as I was singing the last song today during our Music & the Spoken Word program, I felt a warm/positive feeling when singing the following lyrics:
*Courage, for the Lord is on our side.
*An unseen power will aid me and you.
*Prosper the cause of truth.
*No need to fear.
At first I was tempted to associate these good feelings with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, itself. After all, the Church does endorse this song and its teachings. But really, the truth in these lyrics can (and first and foremost should) stand on its own. Any human being on planet earth can choose to believe these truths and gain strength from them if they so choose.
It's no particular secret I'm on a faith journey to figure some things out. Part of that journey is cutting the strings attached to long-held beliefs and truths and examining them from different perspectives and understandings. That process also includes detaching them from any particular institution.
While this journey is fraught with uncomfortable realities and feelings of loneliness and disappointment, I'm grateful for the "a-ha!" moments I have along the way and for recognizing truths that feel good to me. If I can come up with a substantial list of truths that I can fully support, I'll be better equipped to make some visible progress in my journey. I'll also feel less guilt when I have a hard time reconciling things I've been taught with my lived experience and the fruit from actual truth.
Taking the same song today, the following lyrics are ones I had a much harder time feeling good after singing them:
*Let us all press on in the work of the Lord, that when life is o'er we main gain a reward. (Yes, I want to press forward in helping people, but I don't want to do it just to gain a reward in the next life.)
*The Lord our helper, will ever be near. (I often don't feel Him near, even when I feel like I'm entitled to that or really need or want that.)
*In the days of trial, His saints He will cheer. (Is that supposed to be often? Just in the next life? Maybe a couple of times a year? It's been a very long time since I've felt cheerful and full of optimistic hope)
I'd be tempted at this point to say "Well Ryan, you must not be a very good member of the Church because you don't believe or resonate with or identify with over a third of this song. What is wrong with you?"
Now by disassociating the institution from the truth, I can say "I'm just going to take the truths from this song that bring good fruits to my soul and the rest I can leave behind. And leaving some behind is OK."
Anyway, I didn't quite intend to make this post so introspective or heavy, but that's the way it turned out and I'm going to choose to be OK with it :)
Hope you all have a fantastic week and seek out truth that will bring you fruits of love, hope, and peace.
Until next time, may God be with you.
Singing "Let Us All Press On", 1/21/24 |
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