Sunday, March 26, 2023

TCATS #463 - Member Meeting Review

It was nice to have the BYU-Idaho Singers with us today as our guests on Music & the Spoken Word. They sang two numbers themselves ("When We Love", and "Unclouded Day") which I very much enjoyed, and they joined us in singing two of our pieces. Unfortunately, two of the songs we sang are ones that I really, really don't like to sing (and I'm not alone!).  One of those is a song we sing regularly: "I Think the World is Glorious". And you know what? I really do think the world is a glorious place. Just not when I sing that song. The sing-songy repetition just kills me. And some of the lyrics make some assumptions that I don't agree with. The other song is "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands." Again, does the song deliver a comforting message? Absolutely. But for some reason I just don't like the tune, and the repetition in the song is terribly annoying. Another reason I don't like the song is that in my opinion, it really should be titled "THEY'VE Got the Whole World in THEIR Hands." If we think that God the Father is the only one running the show, then we are failing to understand our own theology. We DO have a Heavenly Mother as well and I have no doubt whatsoever that She is more actively involved than we collectively give Her credit for. 

At any rate, shifting focus....

On Tuesday night, the Choir Presidency held the first Semi-annual Member Meeting of this year. There were several items discussed. One of those was our Mexico Tour in June (providing some additional details--including tickets now being free to our concerts) and the tentative tour schedule for the next three years. Since this is tentative and non-specific, I feel it OK to share here. Basically, during the next three years we'll be going to the Southwestern US, some Asian country, and two South American countries. We'll also be doing an additional domestic tour and an international tour. Tours will be in February and September of each year.

It was cool to find out, in particular, that'd we be going to Asia somewhere. I spent a couple of years in Japan and immediately thought how great it'd be to go back there with the Choir. But, who knows. It may be some other Asian country.

We also talked about progress being made in broadcasting MSW in Spanish and Portuguese. I believe the plans are for that to start in June. I'm excited for our Spanish and Portuguese viewers to see our weekly program in their native language (minus the music itself) and to see the various video footage they display on TV while we're singing songs be footage of native people. 

One other thing we talked about was the concept of how our musicianship will increase proportional to our discipleship. And vice versa. Both are important in this calling. I have work to do in both areas, to be honest, and hope that I can focus on those things that will help me be a better musician and a better Christian. 

Until next time, may God be with you.

"Together They Held the World In Its Place" by Caitlin Connolly

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