A heartfelt kudos to all the fathers out there who work hard each day to do their best! Thanks for your efforts. And for those who aren't fathers yet or who might not be for one reason or another, I'd bet 10 to 1 you have plenty of father-like attributes that you employ in different ways within your sphere of influence.
As the day is almost done and I'm really tired, I'm going to make this a quick entry. Ever since I first sang Ryan Murphy's arrangement of STANDING ON THE PROMISES, it's made an everlasting impression on me. Walking the covenant path within the Gospel of Jesus Christ is what it's all about and this song helps remind me not only why the path is important, but the blessings that result when that walk is made each and every day.
Today as I sang this song, I just felt a renewed sense of hope that everything would work out in the end.
My favorite moment in the song is at the end when the orchestra is at its fullest and we're singing full voice: "Standing on the promises! Standing on the promises! Standing on the pro-mi-ses of God." It's like everyone at that moment is just singing with their whole heart and soul and it produces all the feels.
You've been hereby challenged to look for ways that you can stand more firmly in your beliefs--however that looks to you.
Until next time, God be with you.
PS: Links below to listen to this song:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/4vXQvthIlV0BzNh97x6Sam?si=28eab3a4b3f24d22
Apple: https://music.apple.com/us/album/standing-on-the-promises/1452638314?i=1452639468
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__DTGtQy5H4
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