Sunday, December 27, 2020

TCATS #364 - CWJ

I want to close out this year with a tribute to a Tabernacle Choir fan. This fan is my mother-in-law, Carolyn Whitchurch Jorgensen, who recently passed away and is undoubtedly now enjoying the beautiful choirs in heaven. 

Carolyn loved to listen to the Choir. She made it a point to watch or listen to Music & the Spoken Word each week because it brought her peace. For nearly the past two decades of her life, Carolyn's health slowly, but steadily declined and the music of the Choir began to be even more important as purely peaceful moments were more and more difficult to find.

Carolyn knew the value and importance of song lyrics and would be sure to put on the closed-captioned settings on her device so she could read the words that were being sung. Those words, along with bringing peace, continued fueling her testimony and her desire to be like her Savior. 

There were many songs on her Tabernacle Choir favorite list, and one of those was A Child's Prayer. This song asks questions that probably each of us has asked before. Are you really there? Do you really hear and answer prayers? Carolyn knew the answer to these questions and loved to communicate with her Father in Heaven--especially when life was hard and illness suppressed her abilities to do all she wanted to do. It was her testimony of prayer that really helped her continue moving forward in life. And it allowed her to find peace amidst life's storms.

I want to personally thank my mother-in-law for all she did to support the Choir and to support me in the Choir. Her love she felt for the Choir and her devotion to its mission to uplift and bring peace is one of the many witnesses that testify to the mission's success.  I will think of her often in the coming days when the Choir gets to sing again. 

And hopefully, that'll be sooner than later.

Happy New Year everyone! I love you all.

Until next time, God be with you.

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