Sunday, November 29, 2020

TCATS #360 - On to Christmas!

The Choir and Orchestra wasted no time in kicking off the Christmas season with a Christmas-themed Music & the Spoken Word this morning. I was in my car traveling back from Phoenix and since my daughter was doing the driving at that particular leg of the journey, I was able to watch the program on my phone. It brought back a lot of great memories. For six years now, part of my Christmas experience has always included performing 15-20 Christmas songs for the MSW broadcasts, the First Presidency Christmas Devotional, and the three performances of the Christmas Concert. Those fun and rewarding experiences were enhanced with all of the festive decorations in the Conference Center, the talk of Christmas plans and memories amongst choir members, and observing the dancers and guest artists during rehearsals. 

This year I'll simply look forward to getting to be part of that magical experience, next year. And that's OK. If 2020 has taught us anything, it's the art of adjusting and appreciating more fully what once used to be.

I don't have a lot more to add right now. My fatigue is calling me to bed soon. But I did want to list out my favorite Christmas songs as performed by the choir. I hope you'll consider adding these to your holiday playlist as they can be found on Spotify or Apple Music. BUT, these are links to the video versions that typically include cool visuals, dancers, special guests, etc. Well worth your time.





I SAW THREE SHIPS (Organ + Percussion Trio)


And that, as they say, is that. An early Merry Christmas to you all. I hope this season is one in which you'll find some refuge from the 2020 storm and you'll feel wrapped up in the arms of our Savior, whose birth and life we celebrate.

Until next time, God be with you.

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