Sunday, July 30, 2017

MTC #187 - Collin

Since this past week with the choir could be labeled "business as usual", I just want to take the opportunity to briefly post about someone who really impresses me. His name is Collin. He's not a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, or even a member of the Orchestra at Temple Square or Bells on Temple Square. Rather, he's a member of the stage crew. And a unique one, at that.

The Choir and Orchestra, and everyone else involved with the "choir family" relies on the stage crew A LOT. They have a big job--a rather heavy job--as some might say. Each week there are chairs and stands and microphones to put out and take down. They make sure the podium is adjusted correctly. They make sure safety barriers line the stage to keep us all from accidentally falling off. They also wheel the piano in and back. And when the Bells join us, their job multiplies at least three fold as there are mats to lay out, tables to put up, and table clothes to spread. And, I can guarantee they do much more than I can visibly see or describe since a lot of their work is backstage. 

So what makes Collin unique? Aside from probably being the youngest stage crew member, he has one hand that doesn't quite function fully. So much of the help he provides, he does so with one hand. 

If you stop and think about that a moment, you'll realize what courage and faith that must take. Carrying this, putting up that, adjusting this, unfolding that. You'd think a major prerequisite to performing stage crew work would be the use of both arms and hands. But Collin pulls it off with just one--and does a fantastic job at it. I see him there nearly every Sunday, serving along side the rest of our great stage crew. And often I think, if Collin can do what he does, certainly I can do the things in my life that I feel unqualified, at times, to do. 

So thanks Collin. I've never talked to you and I'm sure you don't know me. But I sincerely appreciate your example of faith and devotion. Keep up the good work!

Until next time, God be with you.

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