Sunday, April 2, 2017

MTC #170 - Conference Five

With big events like General Conference, there's always the option to write about a lot of generalities or, instead, focus on just a few specifics. And I think for this post, I'll opt for the latter. For some general reviews, you can go HERE, HERE, and HERE. :)

There are five things I'd like to comment on:

1) The choir sang about 20 or so songs during conference (including Music & the Spoken Word songs). There were several I really enjoyed singing, but the one I think I enjoyed the most was "Now Let Us Rejoice". As a bass, this one was actually not very pleasant to sing because the bass part was so very high (definitely in tenor land). But I've always loved this hymn as far back as I can remember. And it took on increased significance when I was a missionary back in Japan. Before leaving that two-year experience, I met with the congregation of Saints and we all sang that song together as I pondered the Japanese people I had grown to love. Runners-up: "How Firm a Foundation" and "His Voice As the Sound". (All conference music can be found HERE.)

2) One of my favorite talks at conference that tied in very nicely with a song the choir sang ("There is Sunshine in My Soul Today") was Elder Jeffrey Holland's talk where he likened all of us to being in a choir and singing various songs and various parts (humorously, he forgot to mention tenors as one of the parts people could sing). Here's a quote from that talk. "If, for a time, you are unable to echo the joyous melodies you hear coming from others, I ask you to hold tenaciously to the line in this hymn that reassures 'Jesus listening can hear the song [you] cannot sing."  AND "You are unique and irreplaceable. The loss of even one voice diminishes every other singer in this great mortal choir of ours, including the loss of those who feel they are on the margins of society or the margins of the Church."

3) April Conference is always an emotional time for the Choir as there are many singing in conference for the last time and many who are singing for the first time. I happened to sit next to one choir member (Craig) who was singing in conference for the last time. He sort of became known as the "Snickers Man" because if you happened to sit next to him (on either side or in back) on Sunday morning or during a concert, this nice guy would pull out a Snickers candy bar and give it to you. Right behind me was another choir member leaving (Blaine) who we will certainly miss as well. He's a professional sound guy and has provided the choir men with bass/baritone/tenor tracks to practice to week in and week out, for years. I have comments I could make about many more of those leaving us, but I'll save those for later.

On the other side of the timeline, while I don't yet know any of the new folks who just joined us this year, I heard one in the dressing room afterwards saying how overcome he had become with tears and emotions as he sang "How Firm a Foundation." These new guys bring such a fresh and exciting spirit to the Choir. It's great. 

2) I noticed, after conference was over, two young men wind their way down the aisles to get to the one particular aisle that all of the apostles pass by on their way out of the Conference Center. They had this eagerness in their eyes, smiles on their faces, and hands poised to wave to any apostle who lifted his hand to wave first (which they do quite often). It was touching to see how much waving to an apostle meant to them.

1) Lastly, I am very grateful for my wife and kids who are always such a support to me as I fulfil this calling and opportunity. Let's face it...before I was accepted into the Choir, Conference weekend twice a year was associated with lots and lots of family time. Sitting around on our couches together, enjoying the talks and music, eating snacks, and making comments to each other about things we were hearing and feeling. But now that I'm in the Choir, the family is incomplete. It's been a transition for all of us. That said, my wife and kids keep a tally of how often they see me on the big screen and new for this year, I pick a song from each session and dedicate it to my wife--so she knows I'm thinking of her while I sing it. I think we'll keep that new tradition going. 

Until next time, God be with you.

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