Sunday, June 12, 2016

MTC Week #128 - Great & Consistent

There are a few people I know in the choir who sing everything by memory. They just have a great gift for picking up words (and notes, and rhythm) quickly and when you see them hold up their folders, there's actually no music in them! I find that pretty amazing. There are also a few around me who seemingly sing everything perfectly. In reality, I'm sure they make mistakes from time to time, but overall, I know I can completely rely on them all the time. They are consistently great singers.

With that in mind, I was impressed by today's Spoken Word, as Lloyd Newell talked about the famous geyser in Yellowstone National Park--Old Faithful--which is one of the most predictable geographical features on Earth. Lloyd concluded by saying that "perhaps a message for us is that being consistent is more important than being grand. In other words, you don’t have to be the best or the biggest or the most impressive to make the biggest impact."

This message went right along with a quote I heard during my Sunday School
class today, by Howard W. Hunter. He said:

"Giving consistent effort in the little things in day-to-day life leads to true greatness. Specifically, it is the thousands of little deeds and tasks of service and sacrifice that constitute the giving, or losing, of one's life for others. ...I am confident that there are many great, unnoticed, and forgotten heroes among us. I am speaking of those of you who quietly and consistently do the things you ought to do."


Speaking of "great", it was a majestically great broadcast today. We sang some grand numbers such as "Psalm 148" and "Cum Sancto Spiritu". We sang a song that summed up such a lovely morning here in Salt Lake City "Oh What A Beautiful Morning." We sang one on our mortal journey "Pilgrim Song". And we sang an other-worldly number "Alleluia" from Psalm 150. And to add to it all, most were sung by memory.

May you have a great week and be consistent in doing great things!

Until next time, God be with you.

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