Sunday, September 27, 2015

MTC Week #91 - Of Flexibility and 1994

So with the passing of Elder Richard G. Scott this past week, the choir, orchestra, and organists had some rearranging to do. All the songs we were going to sing today, were changed, and we held rehearsal and the broadcast in the Conference Center instead of the Tabernacle -- since the latter was being made ready for Elder Scott's funeral. 

The reason all the songs were changed is because there was no room for the orchestra in the Conference Center. Which may sound funny if you realize how big the Conference Center is. But the stage itself was being setup for General Conference this coming weekend and thus the orchestra was left without any space to accompany the choir. 

Our wonderful organists were thus called upon to learn (or brush up on) the replacement pieces we did today and they, of course, did an excellent job. 

I just marvel sometimes, at how flexible this rather large organization, is. But it helps when you have a good attitude and when there are people all around you who are adjusting and adapting to the new plan. 

Life, itself, can suddenly change your plans without a moment's notice.
We are sometimes like a currant bush that
needs some pruning by someone
who loves us and sees the big picture.
Sometimes that's not very easy to adapt to. It gives way to complaining, bemoaning, and being upset. But if we accept the new plan, recognizing that God is overseeing it, we will most likely come to know (at some future time) why the course correction came about. And I'm sure we'll thank God at that moment that He did what He did, because it helped us reach our eternal goals.

Aside from the changes this week, I did want to comment on one of the songs we sang today. It was called "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need." It's one of my favorites and takes me back to 1994, when the BYU Concert Choir first recorded that song and performed it to an audience at the Harris Fine Arts Center. I remember being so grateful to have been there for its debut. 

There are two phrases that I love the most:

He brings my wandering spirit back
When I forsake His ways,
And leads me, for His mercy's sake,

In paths of truth and grace.

There would I find a settled rest,
While others go and come;
No more a stranger, nor a guest,

But like a child at home.

The first phrase reminds me of a phrase from Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, when we're reminded that all of us are "prone to leave the God [we] love." We all have times when we wander, when we leave God (if only for a few minutes, or an hour, or a day). But He wants us back and will give us opportunities to come back to Him. 

The second phrase is for all of us who simply long for a rest. A rest from the worries and cares of our busy lives and the cares of the world. Not only can we find such a rest as we come unto Christ, but we can have that rest be in a safe place. A place of love and security. A place that feels like home. A place where we can feel like a child who is receiving love and instruction from Heavenly parents.

Until next time, God be with you.

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