Sunday, October 5, 2014

MTC Week #40 - 184th Semi-Annual General Conference

I was grateful to be a part of conference this weekend. The Choir worked hard to perfect nearly every note sung and our conductors were pleased with the result. Aside from the technical aspects of how we sounded, there were many songs that really did touch my heart and inspire me to be a better person. I hope that those who listened around the world felt the same way.

There's much I could say about this event but I thought I'd do a "top ten" to mark this event.

I enjoyed...

10) rehearsing in the Conference Center when all the 22,000 seats were empty and then seeing all of those seats get filled up with anxious individuals ready to listen to the prophet speak (and us sing of course)

9) sitting at the end of the 2nd to the top row (in the corner) which allowed me to peer over the edge and watch the prophet and the apostles enter and leave the podium area (and see them wave to the audience--including younger kids whose faces showed light and happiness)

8) munching on some snacks being passed around the bass section while we were listening to the speakers and waiting to sing (thanks to whoever provided the stay-alert goodies :)

7) getting to talk to fellow choir members during the breaks (since, as I've mentioned before, some opportunities are fairly rare)

6) seeing all of the MANY people who contributed the conference experience. There were hundreds of volunteers doing everything from ushering, setting up teleprompters, cleaning the seats, doing the floral arrangements, coordinating the broadcasting aspects, feeding us lunch between sessions, and, well, I'm sure I've just scratched the surface.

5) having bathrooms nearby (this may sound funny, but until just recently, the nearest bathrooms for the men were 5 min away)

4) walking right past David Archuleta, who must have been back stage to be escorted to some place where he could enjoy conference without getting accosted (I should have told him thanks for his latest song but I was so taken back by him actually being there, I was at a loss for words)

3) hearing all of the speakers give their messages (and, in particular, those who delivered them in their native tongue)

2) singing so many wonderful songs. Some of the ones I enjoyed the most were "Praise to the Man", "Softly and Tenderly", "How Firm a Foundation", and "Lo, the Mighty God Appearing". 

1) feeling inspired, warm, comforted, and wanting to follow the counsel given by modern day prophets and apostles. Also, having a prayer in my heart for those I know need particular peace and guidance in their lives.

Until next time, God be with you! (and enjoy some pics below)

Conference Center - Empty

Conference Center - Full

The basses in the corner section.

Bass Section

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