Sunday, December 29, 2019

TCATS #312 - By the Numbers! 2019

Numbers never tell the whole story. There's always so much more behind them. But they do tell one side of the story and each year I like to compile them and see how things turned out. I do this partly because a find it interesting, and partly because my friend Siope (See-oh-pay)--who has become our unofficial choir statistician--produces a pictogram each year to show the numbers in a fun and interesting way and consults with me in doing that. Anyway, without further ado, here's how things ended up. Hope each of you have a fun closing-out of 2019 and are looking forward to the adventures that 2020 will bring. 

Until next time, God be with you!

(Click to enlarge)

Stats below are duplicated above, just in a different format. The above pictogram is more complete.

Broadcasts: 52
Events: 13 (Easter Concert, April Conference, Tanner Gift of Music Concert, Pioneer Day Concert, Sissel Recording Project, Mini-Concert for US Governor's Association, Recording Session #2, Mini-Concert for UN Civil Society, President Nelson's Birthday Concert, October General Conference, Temple President Seminar, First Presidency Devotional, Christmas Concert)
Number of Songs Sung: 384 (multiple instances of concerts only counted once)
Most Sung Song: 7-way tie--> How Firm a Foundation, Love Divine All Loves Excelling, America the Beautiful, America the Dream Goes On, Press Forward Saints, Guide Us O Thou Great Jehovah, I Think the World is Glorious (four times each)
Most Worn Tie: Red Snowflake (7 times) and Yellow (7 times)
Least Worn Tie: Hypno (1)
Most Worn Suit: Charcoal, Black and Blue all tied (14 times each)
Least Worn Suit: Blue Blazer (8) (not counting Creme coat or Tux)
Most Worn Dress: Blue (12)
Least Worn Dress: Black (4)
Number of Extra Rehearsals: 40!
Albums Released: 2 (Let Us All Press On, Angels Among Us)

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