Sunday, August 28, 2016

MTC #139 - Of Jenny Oaks Baker and of Recapturing

The past few weeks, the choir has enjoyed some level of normalcy as we really haven't had anything "extra" to perform or rehearse for. And, far be it from me to speak for the whole choir, but I think we've all enjoyed the mini-break! It's been nice to spend additional time at home and tend to other responsibilities. For the next couple of weeks however, we'll be doing some recording and then it's time, once again, to prepare the music for General Conference in October.

So it goes.

Today we were delighted to have on stage with us Jenny Oaks Baker, who is a Grammy nominated violin artist and who has released an amazing thirteen albums. I confess that I have not listened to any of those albums, but I was very impressed with her performances today. I think the thing that impressed me the most, aside from her obvious violin talent, was the spirit she brought with her. I just felt like it was important to her to connect with the Choir and connect with the audience. And through those connections, she was able to portray her love of inspiring music and her love of Jesus Christ. 

Turning to a different topic, I wanted to end my thoughts by mentioning this idea of "recapturing". I've mentioned before from time to time that it's easy, as a choir member, to sort of get into this habit or rhythm and start taking things for granted. The magic of performing and sharing a talent becomes a little bit ordinary. I realized on Thursday evening at rehearsal that I had descended into this state of being of which I've been describing. After rehearsing, it dawned on me that I hadn't even prayed for our visitors that evening! I always pray for them. I pray that as they listen to the music, their hearts will be lifted and they'll leave feeling happier and inspired. I've always felt a responsibility and an opportunity to pray for them. And then I started thinking of others things that I've let slip. 

Fortunately, today I felt like I had recaptured the magic and ascended back up to where I wanted to be. There was one point in the broadcast I even had this humbling surreal moment when I realized where I was, what I was doing, and that my family was back home watching on TV for me. And as I looked out at the audience, I was so grateful they came. A prayer went out to them and to others who would be listening throughout the world. 

We have the opportunity each day to recapture the magic and wonder of this or that. The magic of being a friend, a parent, a spouse, a coworker, or just one of those nice people you interact with when you're out and about. I hope we can embark on a recapturing mission and experience, again, what we may have temporarily lost or forgotten.

Until next time, God be with you. 

Bass section singing Down to the River

Sunday, August 21, 2016

MTC #138 - To Observe and Learn

Due to a variety of reasons, I didn't attend Thursday's rehearsal. Which meant, of course, that my part in Sunday's broadcast switched from singing, to observing. 

As I sat out near the audience, I observed the following:

1) all of the ushers who come every Sunday to help people find their seats and direct them on where to go and where not to go. Yes, I can see them all when I am in the choir loft singing. But down in the audience seats, I can see their faces, I can see their smiles. I can see their devotion. They are one part of the whole Music & the Spoken Word experience, but an important part.

2) the faces and countenances of the choir and orchestra members up on the big screen. Some looked tired and worn. Others fumbled a bit with the words of the memorized piece. Some seemed to just be going through the routine. However, the majority reflected happiness in their eyes and a smile in their countenance and they seemed genuinely happy to be testifying to the things they believe in through music.

3) the Spoken Word which had to do with worrying. This hit home as I have many worries and many concerns. Some even tied to my choir experience. I was grateful for the advice to call upon God in the very moment you're needing help. And grateful for the counsel to put aside those worries you have no control over and focus on the ones you can act upon to make things better.

4)  the miracle of how it all comes together. From an observer view, I can see all of the cameras, the stage crew, the security people, the monitors, the lighting behind the choir, and the people/nature scenes that were chosen to accompany the songs being sung and the music being played. With everything in place and all the parts and pieces working together, it happens.

I missed singing today and the camaraderie of the people I sing with. But I was grateful to play the part of the observer and gain some perspectives I can think about in the weeks and months to come.

Until next time, God be with you. 


Sunday, August 14, 2016

MTC Week #137 - Of Decoding the Number Board and a Perfect Program

Keeping music organized is always a challenge for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Our librarians can certainly attest to that fact more than anyone else. (A big shout out to them--thanks for all you do!) I'm not exactly sure how many pieces of music are in the library, but certainly hundreds and hundreds. Each piece of music has a sticker in the upper right corner. And on that sticker is the catalog number, along with the singer's number (for example, I'm B-108, the B representing my part designation--bass). 

Each Sunday morning when we arrive at 7:25 for rehearsal, there's a music stand holding up a number board which tells us what order to put our music in, which pieces are memorized, and where the breaks occur. Here's a look:

The white diamond before the number means that piece will be put back into our blue (archive) folder after the broadcast is over. The red square means that is where the organ solo will take place. The yellow square is when Lloyd Newell will give the Spoken Word. And the yellow square under the beginning sequence of a set of numbers means that particular piece is to be sung memorized. Seeing this board helps us get right ready to go and allows Mack and Ryan more time to rehearse the music.

As a side note, there's been some speculation that one day we MIGHT use an electronic device (like an iPad) to read our music from (and mark it up, I assume). Our guest artists, the King's Singers, who were with us recently, each have an iPad they use when they rehearse and perform. Whether the Choir follows suit one day, I'm not sure. But a possibility. 

To end, I just wanted to express how great today's line-up was. To be honest, I typically like about every piece we sing in the choir, to one degree or another. But this set of five I really enjoyed. Give Said the Little Stream (Ryan Murphy's masterful arrangement); Bro. James' Air (a personal favorite); Somewhere (from West Side Story); Look at the World (a favorite by John Rutter); and Sing! (which has a fantastic organ solo). How grateful I am for music that uplifts and inspires. (And if you have a few minutes, you're invited to click on one of those links above)

And I almost forgot. I got to sing next to Greg today--a friend who came into the MTC with me and who I haven't sat next to for probably over a year. I guess the planets aligned!

Until next time, God be with you!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

MTC Week #136 - Achieving Through Passion

Today's spoken word was all about the Olympic athletes and what we can learn from them as the 2016 Summer Olympics begin. Quoting from Lloyd Newell:

"Every Olympic athlete is a living reminder that if we can rise when we fall, pick ourselves up when life knocks us down, and continue on when it seems easier to quit, we will see in time that winning is not as much about talent or luck as it is about grit and perseverance. Winners and champions just keep trying. This thought is expressed well in the Olympic creed: “The most important thing in life is not the triumph, but the fight; the essential thing is not to have won, but to have fought well.'"

Worthy message to ponder.

To add to the whole Olympic theme, one of the songs we sang this morning was "Call of the Champions", the Winter Olympics 2002 theme song as composed by John Williams. 

On the way home, I was asking my friend Ben if John Williams was still actively composing, and, how old he was. He did some internet searching and quickly discovered that he was 84 years old and still composing. In fact, he just composed the score to the 2016 film "BFG". 

I was amazed. Here's someone who is still so passionate about composing music that even at 84, he continues to combine what's inside him with inspiration from above to create these beautiful and amazing scores of music that benefit so many.

I personally, have never felt like I had a lot of passion towards anything. And maybe you feel the same way. But then I thought, "Well Ryan, what is it that you really WANT in life?" Maybe that's just another way to define passion. And what I want is to be a good husband, a good friend, a good dad and one who is kind to people. 

What is your passion? What do you really WANT in life? Are you succeeding?

Questions only you can answer and act upon.

Until next time, God be with you.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

MTC Week #135 - Europe Tour, Part 2

As mentioned last week, I wanted to devote this post to pictures I took in Europe and some concluding thoughts about the tour. So without further ado, here are some pictures to help you get a visual of things I saw and experienced. (Click on each for a larger version). And I just want to express, again, how grateful I was for the opportunity to go and share the light of Christ, through music, with so many people in Europe.

Getting off the plane during a layover in Amsterdam

Our hotel at our first stop, Berlin

The Brandenberg Gate in Berlin

Reichstag building in Berlin--historic government building

A uniquely designed holocaust memorial

A fun souvenir shop and a currywurst shop (Berlin)

One view of the Berlin Wall - the wall and below it

People just chillin' in the evening hours by the river (Berlin)

Another view of the Wall

A giant modern spire on top of the Reichstag (Berlin)

Our first performance at the Berlin Philharmonie

Inside the Philharmonie starting a sound check

Another view of the Philharmonie

Before our concert. Siope, Dennis (my great roommate), and me

Going to the restroom costs money!

One of the MANY outdoor restaurants/cafes (Munich)

A plate someone ELSE ordered. Ick!

A friend, Ryan Withers

Our second concert, at the Meistersingerhalle (Munich)

Dennis, Ben, and I enjoying the very yummy Magnum bar

Outside a Nazi indoctrinization building (Nuremberg)

A church member's unique bike (look close)!

Exit of a parking lot--trying to get one of those perspective shots

Site of a Nazi base camp. This shows THEN...

...and this shows TODAY (Nuremberg)

Another view of the Meistersingerhalle

Dennis and I took a run through an old cemetery (Munich)

The famed Glockenspiel on the Marienplaz (Munich)

Not sure you'd see a row of these sold in the US :)

A view of the Marienplatz (central shopping area)

Some guys dressing up in traditional clothing

The Graggenauer Viertel (mansion for the once elite royalty)

Beautiful gardens within Vienna

Votive Church seen from the center of Freud Park (Austria)

Hmmm, what's that poster in the background?

Where we ate dinner in Vienna. Yes, we were spoiled

The Musikverein - famous concert hall we performed at in Vienna

Some musicians in a restaurant (Munich)

Good friend Ryan Bateman and I having dinner (Munich)

Site of the Munich Olympic park

Olympic swimming venue

Some locals we met at the concert in Vienna

Gorgeous lake near Nueschwanstein Castle (outside Munich)

Valley near Nueschwanstein Castle

Nueschwanstein Castle

Nueschwanstein Castle in the background

Another valley near the castle. Pretty country!

Where we performed our 3rd concert - the Hallenstadion (Zurich)

Outside the Hallenstadion in Zurich

A side street in Zurich

Another view within the Hallenstadion (famous hockey arena)

A Hallenstadion employee helping with the concert

We found the filming site of one of the scenes from Willy Wonka! (in Munich)

Our concert venue in Frankfurt - the Jahrhunderthalle

Inside the Jahrhunderthalle

Closer view of the Jahrhunderthalle

Just returned from seeing off-the-beaten-path areas next to this hall

Click to zoom in and see who's performed at this famous hall

A photo before the concert at the Jahrhunderthalle
The Heildelberg Castle in the distance (outside Frankfurt)

Part of the Heildelberg Castle

A view of Heidelberg from the top of the castle

Our tour guide for the castle. A very sweet lady.
Dennis and I had fun almost being devoured at the German Film Museum (Frankfurt)
Our performance hall in Brussels

Our performance hall in Brussels

A poster in the lobby of the hall

The Grand Palace (I think) in the main square in Brussels

Had to try a Belgian waffle in Belgium! Yummm
Some canal boats in Amsterdam

A canal in Amsterdam

Locating one of the oldest homes in Amsterdam

Ah! A yummy crepe dinner.

Had to try McDonalds to see how it compared to back home

One of the oldest windmills near Amsterdam

The "Oude Kerk" or "Old Church" - founded in the year 1213!

Some stained glass in the Old Church
Outside the performance hall in Rotterdam

The De Doelen where we performed. The acoustics were incredible.

In some main city plaza in Rotterdam. Not quite sure about the baby structure.

Our sound check at the De Doelen.

Lining up to go on stage

Outside view of the De Doelen
Welcome to France!

A group of us having dinner at the Paris hotel

Notre-Dame Cathedral. Incredible.

Another view of the Notre-Dame Cathedral

One of several Eiffel Tower shots

This was taken after a group shot of the choir and orchestra

We did some filming for the Paris Temple open house, forthcoming

Basilica of the Sacré-Cœur

Sainte-Chapelle. Incredible stained glass detail.

Additional links of interest about tour: