Sunday, January 20, 2019

TCATS #263 - Love For All

Given that tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr Day, the choir, orchestra, and bells all joined together to present a program honoring the heritage of African-Americans and their fight for civil rights. All of the songs we sang/performed were spirituals and aside from "The Little Light of Mine", all of the others were ones that were new to me. So, it was both rewarding and humbling to learn these songs and sing the lyrics that speak of longing, of hoping, of struggling, and of obtaining rest.

Joining us on the program was special guest Robert Sims who has performed with the choir in the past, several years ago. He did a marvelous job, as did his piano accompanist. After the broadcast, we had them face the choir (as is tradition with any special guest), and watch us as we sang "God Be With You" to them. I'm not sure why that is always such a highlight, but every time I get to be a part of that experience, it really touches me. Maybe it's because we're literally singing to
Robert Sims
"the one". Or maybe it's because of the words themselves and the realization that we may not meet or see this person for the rest of our mortal journey. Maybe it's because it's obvious how much the experience is affecting the one we're singing to (they usually tear up). Perhaps it's just a sweet combination of all those reasons. :)

I'm grateful for the progress this nation has made in combating racism and prejudice in all its forms. There's obviously still work to be done. Singing these songs today made me feel closer to all those who have had to struggle with feeling equal and loved and I'm grateful for all of those individuals and organizations around the world that work so hard to promote peace and love for all mankind. 

Until next time, God be with you. 


Sunday, January 13, 2019

TCATS #262 - Influence Theory & Soul Buddies

Throughout my experience in the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, I've often wondered about the contribution each individual person makes--given the choir's large size. I mean, on any given performance, there may be over 360 singers who are contributing to the overall sound and presentation. That's a lot of people. So does it really matter when I, or any other person, isn't there?

There are plenty who would say "no", I imagine. I used to think that myself. We talk a lot about the power of unity and why it's so important to "be one". And indeed it is. In the Choir, we strive to be one in purpose and one in heart. We want our audience members around the world to feel that "oneness" and to receive our combined message of hope, of peace, and of love. So is there really a difference between a 359-person choir and a 360-person choir if the 359-person choir can still achieve that unity?

I would argue YES. 

I wrote awhile ago about how the choir is made up of a lot of different people. We each have our strengths and our personalized experiences. We each have our unique challenges and fears that we're trying to conquer. We each have a very individualized testimony of why we're all here and what matters most to us. It's almost as if we're each a very long mathematical formula, or a quilt with a very complicated pattern, or a meandering path on a mountain made up of unique twists, and turns, and elevation changes. 

But even though we're unique, there are others in the world who are similar to us. They share similar burdens, have similar experiences, and conquer similar fears. They connect with who we are, at our core, and are influenced by our compassion and our empathy. Call them our "soul buddies" if you will.

So as singers, when we put everything who makes us, us, into our voices, combining the beautiful medium of communication (the song) with the sum total of our souls, we each end up influencing different people. Annie in California, Julio in Mexico, Monique in France, and Illiyan in Bulgaria hear the same united voices, but their souls are most affected and influenced by that one person who is their soul buddy. They feel the strength of the unified sound which is a combination of all of the unique voices. But they connect with that one voice. That one voice that can so effectively lift them and leave them with a feeling that they are not alone. 

While I certainly can't prove my "influence theory", it works for me. Partly because it makes sense, partly because it just feels right, and partly because it helps me personally--in those moments when I'm feeling like I don't really matter. When such moments come, I have to remind myself that I do matter. A reminder that isn't just for me--but for my soul buddies who are counting on me.

Until next time, God be with you. 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

TCATS #261 - Random Musings 101

From time to time, I just like to include a few random comments on my blog and today is one of those days. So thanks for reading an entry that is pretty much "theme-less"!

*We performed the first Music & Spoken Word of the year 2019 with our blue blazers, grey slacks, and "gold" tie (I've never really liked that classification because technically it's more orange than gold). There's a possibility that this year we'll be getting a new suit (light grey, perhaps?) to replace the white jacket, but I cannot confirm or deny that possibility. Still, it sure would be nice. Don't get me wrong...I'm really grateful for this singing and missionary opportunity and am glad to wear whatever. But most of our suits are dark (dark blue, dark grey, black, etc) so a lighter color would, in my opinion, be GREAT.

*I never get tired of singing "How Firm a Foundation". If there was any song that sent the spirit soaring across the audience (and over the airwaves and through fiber optics), it was this one. My 2nd favorite today was "The Garden". Willy and I were commenting on the ride home how much we like that one and how much Ryan Murphy gets into conducting it. Ryan's commentary, too, about parts of the song, why he arranged it the way he did, and his overall perspective on things, are always welcome and appreciated.

*The NEW choir members were in attendance today (30+), observing the broadcast from the bench seats closest to the loft. Woohoo! It's always great to start a new year with new people who are so extremely happy to launch into their uniquely new calling. They will be going through four months of choir school, and then will join us in May as they graduate from that into members of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square.

*My home ward meets at 9AM this year and as such, I won't be able to attend. It's hard not being able to worship with my family and ward friends each Sunday. But, serving in the Church (and serving other people in general) always incorporates and requires sacrifice. And this year, not being able to attend my home ward will definitely be ones of those sacrifices. 

*After the broadcast was over today, the four of us in the carpool had to hurry as quick as we could so that two of us could try and make church by 10:30. (Ben and Alan meet at 10:30, while Willy and myself meet at 9) I guess we'll need to downsize our socializing and work on getting out of the Tabernacle and onto the road, in very short order. :)

*I was inspired this past week to learn the words to an aforementioned song, The Garden. It wasn't a song that we were asked to memorize. But I wanted to learn the words anyway and knew that my friend Wes would have surely done the same thing had he not been attending to other very important events (he blessed his baby today). I think I'll make it a goal this year to memorize more music even if we're not officially asked to. It makes singing songs just that much better. 

Until next time, God be with you.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

TCATS #260 - End of Year #5

With the ending of 2018, my year #5 in the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square comes to a close. Year five is significant only because it's technically fulfilling the minimum requirement agreed upon when joining the choir. People often ask me how long I plan to stay in the choir and I'm never exactly sure what to say to that question. For now though, I plan to continue this journey as I still feel like I have things to contribute, experiences to go through, and people to influence (and be influenced by). So...on to 2019!

My blog post last week captured some interesting choir "stats" for 2018 and if that's something you might find interesting, you can click HERE to view those. In that post, I mentioned that Siope (fellow choir member) would be publishing his annual infographic, and sure enough, he did so today. Here's how it looks. Thanks Siope for the great job you always do in capturing the events of each year! (click to enlarge)

For some additional stats and tidbits, including how many songs we sung, the most worn tie, the most sung song, etc., click HERE.

With that, I just want to say again how grateful I am for the experiences I've had this year in the choir. Words seem to fail me when trying to adequately express all of my feelings and thoughts about this past year. But suffice it to say, I'm just very grateful. Grateful for the music, the people, the experiences, the opportunities, and the love I feel when singing. And I'm thankful for a very supportive wife and for my five kids who support me week in and week out. 

Until next time, God be with you.


Sunday, December 23, 2018

TCATS #259 - The Year in Numbers!

With the year coming to a close, many businesses and organizations are winding down as people take time off and gear up for the year ahead. But the same cannot be said for The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. No siree. Things for the choir never wind down! There's always a weekly broadcast and some event in the near horizon. But, as far as 2018 goes, there is only one event left (Music and the Spoken Word for 12/30). The rehearsal for that event actually happened today so that the Choir can enjoy a break this coming Thursday when rehearsal normally would have happened.

So, as the year wraps up, I always like to "do the numbers." Long-time choir friend, Siope, does a much nicer job with this in a fun pictogram form which I'm sure he'll be publishing soon. I've had a sneak peak and it's going to be great! When he does publish it, I'll include it on my blog. 

But before we get to the numbers, I just wanted to make one comment about today's broadcast--which, of course, was all Christmas music. One of my favorite Christmas songs is Carol of the Drums (or Little Drummer Boy). I really like the song because I feel like we can all relate to the drummer boy. At least, I know I can. So many times in life, we may feel like we really don't have much to offer. Or we feel like what we do have to offer, isn't enough. We get wrapped into the heartache of comparison and think that everyone around us is better than we are. But just like the drummer boy came to the realization that his gift--his talent--was good enough (and drew a smile from the Savior), we can come to that realization too. Admittedly, it's sometimes not easy and a lesson that for me, I have to learn over and over and over again. But I'm grateful to be reminded of my worth and the worth of all my fellow brothers and sisters when singing this song.

OK. So now, with a drumroll please.... Here's the year by numbers.

Events: 14
  • Thomas S. Monson funeral
  • Go West Summit
  • Messiah Concert
  • Gen Conf (April & May)
  • Recording session for 2019 CD
  • Pre-tour Concert
  • West Coast Tour
  • Pioneer Day Concert
  • Be One Concert
  • USU (Logan) Concert
  • Temple Pres. Seminar
  • First Presidency Christmas devotional
  • Christmas Concert
Extra Rehearsals: 36
Most Worn Tie (aside from the bowtie): Red Snowflake (9 times), followed by Red Diamond (7)
Most Worn Suit: Black (18), followed by the Blue Blazer (11) and tux (11)
Most Worn Dress: Fuchsia (11), followed by a 3-way tie--Blue, Creme, Raspberry (10)
Total Unique Songs Sung: 236
Total Songs Sung: 379*

And now, for the most popular (most sung) song of the year*! The winner goes to "HYMN OF PRAISE", which was sung six times. Followed by "Guide Us O, Thou Great Jehovah" & "Rejoice the Lord is King", both of which were sung five times.  
(*NOTE: In the case of multiple concerts and tour, songs were only counted once. For example, if a song was performed three times for the Christmas Concert, because the concert was held on three nights, the song was only counted once)

There you have it.
The other notable event, of course, was that the choir changed it's name!

On to 2019!

Until next time, God Be With You.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

TCATS #258 - Christmas Concert - Chenoweth Style!

I always find it a little daunting when approaching the task of writing a review of the Christmas Concert each year. But in actuality, it's not a review, but rather a prioritization of my thoughts and impressions about the experience I had from the point of view of a choir member. (For an actual review, you can go HERE, and HERE. And for some cool video footage, HERE.)  That said, this year's concert was a grand event and the audience absolutely went crazy over the beloved guest artist, Kristin Chenoweth. 

For five nights, choir members had the opportunity to observe Kristin--which included time at rehearsals and at the concerts themselves. Here are the words that come to mind to describe her: Spontaneous, gracious, loving, happy, thankful, committed, confident, smiley, and funny! She's a very in-the-moment person and I don't know anyone who didn't fall in love with her as a person and as a performer. At age 50 (though looking much younger), one might think she wouldn't be as vibrant as she is--but she certainly lives up to her reputation as one who delights and who brings a smile to those watching and listening to her.

There were several laugh-out-loud moments with her during rehearsals. Just
one: after singing one of her numbers, she went up to Mack Wilberg to give him a high-five. Not anticipating that that is what she'd do, Mack's first response was just to hold out his hand. To which Kristin laughed, took his hand, and then came right in to give him a big hug. Reserved, Ms. Chenoweth is not :)

For me personally, along with enjoying our guest artist, this concert had become a project of upping my game. This was due in no small part to being completely inspired by several of the "1st years." The two in my carpool, Alan and Willy, and then the great friend I sat by during rehearsals and the concerts themselves, Wes, were completely dedicated to learning the music. And not just learning the notes and
Me and great friend Wes
the rhythms, but learning the words themselves--despite the fact they would have a teleprompter to lean on. I quickly came to the mindset of "gosh, if they can do this and be so dedicated, then why can't I?" So, more than I had for the last couple of concerts, I spent oodles of outside time memorizing and memorizing the 15+ pieces, all the while thinking of my 1st-yr heroes. And, to be honest, having everything memorized without having to rely on the prompter is a huge payoff because then, you are more likely to hone in on the meaning of the lyrics and truly enjoy the moment. 

What was my favorite concert moment? I think it was the ending. I mean, there wasn't a song I didn't enjoy singing (OK, well, maybe I was a little tired of singing "Hymn of Praise"), but "Angels from the Realms of Glory" is such a magnificent finale. The choir members are singing, the dancers are beautifully and physically expressing the grand Christ-centered feelings we're all feeling, the orchestra is going all out in divinely playing, the guest artist is putting her whole soul into singing and expressing, the bell ringers are ringing.....and it all just culminates into a few minutes of pure grandeur. I get chills every time! Add to that all of the delightful, smile/laugh-producing Kristin moments and you get a Christmas Concert that I will always remember.

As a runner-up, the song "Angels Among Us" was a stand-out to me. Mainly because of the people I thought of, and the feelings it invoked. There have been so many awesome, loving people who have helped me and my family this past year through various challenges, and I truly consider them angels. I also know that my sister Mary, beyond the veil, is also an angel who continues to comfort and uplift many. So as I sang that song,  I enjoyed thinking about all of these angels who have been such a source of strength and love.

Until next time, God be with you. And Merry Christmas!
(some photos above courtesy DeseretNews)

PS: Some photos below for your viewing pleasure.

Steve, Me, Wes, after the Fri Concert

Some of the dancers waiting to go on

Carl, Wes, and me waiting in the "bunker" before the concert

The brethren standing in seating order waiting to go on
Giving the dancers high-fives as they go to their waiting spot
My great carpool friends! Alan, Willy, Me, Ben

Having dinner after Sat recording session
Wes, Me, and Ryan B.

My awesome, supportive family!

Sunday, December 9, 2018

TCATS #257 - Results

Thursday night's rehearsal was a complete workout as we went through every Christmas song not only for Sunday's broadcast, but for the upcoming Christmas concert. The idea was to not only learn the music more, but to also test our memories to see if all of our extra rehearsals and outside-of-choir memorization time, had paid off. 

I'm glad to say that it indeed has paid off.  By the time 9:30 rolled around, Mack mentioned how pleased he was with the progress we've made and how he feels like we are prepared for next week's Christmas Concert adventure. That isn't to say the songs are perfect. We each have some work left to do to clean up a few notes here, and a couple of rhythms there. But at least for the majority of us, the hours of rehearsing, of listening to rehearsal tracks in the car, and utilizing the power of repetition, has given way to relishing in that really nice prepared feeling.

A friend at choir reminded me of an important principle in regards to preparation: if you put in the time and work hard, you are entitled to the blessings of those efforts--with anything in life. You get out largely what you put in, and from a religious standpoint, you're also entitled to God's grace--which can (and does) make all the difference.

Looking to the week ahead, I'm not just excited for the concerts themselves, but I'm really, really excited for the Tuesday and Wednesday rehearsals this coming week. It's so fun and magical to see the whole concert come together. We choir members are never really told much about what the concert will include (which seems funny, I know). We have the songs we're learning--and that's about it. What the visuals will be like--what will be happening on stage and all around the Conference Center--is still very much a mystery until that Tuesday rehearsal where we finally see how it all comes together. 

Before ending my post today, I just wanted to give a shout-out to my good friend (and fellow bass) Wes, who became a daddy this past week. So great! Best of luck to him as he grows into this new and exciting role.

Until next time, God be with you. 

PS: Some great Christmas videos from last year's Christmas Concert were posted this past week by the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. Check them out here. (My favorite of the bunch, here)