Sunday, March 20, 2016

MTC Week #116 - From All the Nations

One of opportunities the Mormon Tabernacle Choir has from time to time, is to be able to sing with guest artists or guest singing groups from around the world. Today was one of those days as we welcomed the Female Alumnae Choir of Tallinn University of Technology, from Tallinn, Estonia. Directed by Andres Heinapuu, the choir performed two numbers on their own during the broadcast which were very interesting to listen to. I don't know the back story as to how they were invited to sing with us (either I missed that or we weren't told), but it was nice to have them join us today.

In addition to the Estonia choir, we were also joined by a choir of young people who had been participating this past weekend in "Sing 'n' Joy"--an international choir festival held at Brigham Young University. Sitting up in the balcony on both sides of us, they joined us for a special encore number after the Music and the Spoken Word broadcast had concluded. It was nice to look up at them and see their smiles and enthusiasm. 

I always like to think that these types of experiences have made everyone involved feel closer together. Despite the fact that many of these participants live thousands of miles away and have distinct and unique lives of their own, we all came together through music today and united our voices in singing praises to Him whose children we all are. Marvelous and extraordinary if you think about it.

After the broadcast and encore number, the event concluded and the MoTab choir remained behind to rehearse pieces of The Messiah. Our concert is this coming Thursday and Friday. While I love this music, especially during this Easter season, I'll be glad to not wake up to it pounding through my head, someday in the near future. That said, I'll enjoy this experience while I have it, as such experiences come and go ever so quickly.

Until next time, God be with you. 

PS: Thanks to my wife and daughter Sarah who came today to enjoy and support. Love you both!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

MTC Week #115 - Random Musings

Several choir-related thoughts going through my head, which I share below for this theme-less post.

1) In previous posts, I've mentioned the work that's gone on to put together the world's largest Hallelujah Chorus and at long last, the finished product is available to see (click HERE, and be sure and change the setting in the bottom right corner to HD). After rehearsal Thursday night, the Church's missionary department thanked the choir for all of their help in this project. And then showed us the video on a large screen with plenty of speakers, there in the Tabernacle. I thought it was absolutely amazing. My wife and kids saw it this morning and thought so too. Check it out! (about 4 min)

2) I did a Facebook post about this earlier in the week, but if you get a chance to see Singing with Angels--which just came out last Friday--I would encourage you to do so. The common misconception going around about this film is that it's just a documentary about a woman's journey in joining the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It is not that--though that particular storyline is part of the overall plot. To be more accurate, it's a film about a family's life, the struggles they go through, how they pull together, and, how the Choir plays a part in that. Those in Utah and a few surrounding states can see it in theaters, and those in other states--watch for it to come out on DVD later this year.

3) Our extra rehearsals to prepare for our performance of Handel's Messiah, continue with earnest. Both Thursday night, and this morning after the broadcast, Mack complimented the basses several times for their great melisma work. (For those who aren't familiar with that term, there's no shame in that! In this case, just think of a word--like "easy", stretched over lots of 16th notes) Of course, we were happy to take that compliment and tried not to let it go to our heads.

4) There were two songs on the broadcast today that really got to me. One of those, which is no surprise, was Pilgrim Song. I have someone close to me who has, and continues to, suffer greatly. So when I sing the words "When the Messenger shall say, come quit this house of clay, and with bright angels tower" I always think of her.  The other song was our closing number, "God Be With You "Till We Meet Again." Sometimes when I really, really think about that song and hone in on someone in the audience who seems to be connecting with the message, I just feel happily overwhelmed. 

5) During rehearsal this morning, I thought about the fact that one of the things our directors work with us over and over and over again, is to sing in tune. There are a lot of things to keep in mind, and employ, when trying to do that. But it got me thinking about how life itself is a lot like that. If we liken singing in tune to living the way God wants us to live, it takes constant effort. We'll be going along, doing pretty well with some of the more status quo parts of our life (like singing notes that are in the most comfortable spot of our voice range), but when life gets challenging and we face hardships (like taking a jump from a comfortable note to a much higher one), it's easy to "sing out of tune." Thankfully, we can do things to keep the faith and sing that note almost perfectly through the help of our Savior.

6) There was a young woman who had the opportunity to play with the orchestra this morning. There were at least six individuals filming her from various angles and we were finally told that it had to do with a new series coming out on BYUTV. Evidently it's been a longtime dream for this girl to play the viola with the Orchestra at Temple Square and today her dream came true. It was nice to see it unfold.

7) Lastly, one of our choir leaders today, during the announcements, was pointing out all of the various performances that go on throughout the year with the Choir, the Orchestra, and the Bells. Sometimes we have combined performances, sometimes separate. But through them all, Alex, the stage crew manager, works tirelessly (with many others) to make sure everything is in place to allow the performances to flow smoothly. We gave him a big round of applause. Thanks Alex! And for all those who work with you.

Until next time, God be with you.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

MTC Week #114 - Of Politics, Restoration, & Love

As I was singing one of our songs on the broadcast today, my feelings and thoughts concerning politics and the election came to mind. And while I didn't dwell on those thoughts at that moment, they lingered in my heart throughout the day.

I, like many of you, are struggling to make sense of current political happenings. I don't understand why people are supporting the two individuals who, at present, lead out in the polls. Yes, there are a lot of reasons commentators are giving us. And some of those might be true. But what is the core reason? Or, as they say in the business world when there's something that's gone wrong, what is the "root cause?"

I don't have a solid answer for that, which is part of the frustration I feel. But I can say there are certainly plenty of scriptures that come to mind when I think of various individuals in our government, some running for office, our political landscape, and our world in general. 
Here are just a few. 
I realize they are bold statements, but I believe them to be true.

Helaman 5:2  For as their laws and their governments were established by the voice of the people, and they who chose evil were more numerous than they who chose good, therefore they were ripening for destruction, for the laws had become corrupted.  

Proverbs 17: A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue.

2 Nephi 9:34 Wo unto the liar, for he [or she] shall be thrust down to hell.

Romans 1:29 & 30  Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things...

D&C 45:26 & 27 And in that day...the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men’s hearts shall fail them...and the love of men shall wax cold, and iniquity shall abound.

Dismal, I know. But the lyrics of the song I mentioned earlier gave me hope:

"There'll be love and forgiveness everywhere,
And the way of the Lord shall be restored"

Won't that be one of the best days ever?! I can't wait for the Lord to come again and restore His way. I can't wait for our government to be filled with honest, trustworthy, respectful, and intelligent men and women who are worthy of the offices they hold. I can't wait for when love and peace will abound throughout the earth. I can't wait for that day.

In the meantime though, what can we do?
As the broadcast concluded, I realized that all of the songs we sang either mentioned "love" or alluded to that important verb. As I realized that, I tried to connect that to alleviating my frustrations. What does love have to do with this election cycle, or various people in this world who are choosing evil over good?

You and I may not be able to change the overall outcome of what's already been set in motion. But we can be good people. We can stand for what's right. Indeed we can love God, love His commandments, and love other people. And God promises if we do, we'll have peace. We'll be blessed. Blessed to make good, informed decisions, blessed to have courage, blessed to stand up for that which is praiseworthy or of good report. Blessed to serve and make a positive difference in the lives of people around us. And blessed to know that as we do all we can, God will make up the rest. 

And at the end of the day, isn't that what's most important?

Until next time, God be with you.  


Sunday, February 28, 2016

MTC Week #113 - The Beloved & Familiar

After the exhausting week last week, it was very nice to get back to a fairly normal week. Leaving Mahler behind, we turned our attention to brushing up on some beloved and familiar pieces, as well as starting to rehearse for our upcoming Messiah concert at the end of March.

Speaking of Messiah, the CD that has been two years in the making, goes on sale this week (March 4). There's the Complete Oratorio version, or the Highlights version. You can find them HERE. In all honesty, it's an incredible recording and should you choose to purchase a copy, you won't be disappointed. Those of you who are local or somewhat local, to Salt Lake, are sure welcome to come to the concert. There's always a standby line if you weren't able to get tickets (I heard they were gone in 10 minutes). What a perfect way to usher in Easter that weekend.

So, as mentioned, the songs we sang today were all familiar, minus the "No Man is an Island" song. Here are some thoughts I had as I sang each of them:

Saints Bound for Heaven (American folk hymn; arr. Mack Wilberg): I couldn't
help but think of my BYU Concert Choir days as I sang this one. Along with relishing in those good memories, I felt excitement and enthusiasm concerning the reality of Christ and how, through Christ's atonement and resurrection, we are certainly bound for heaven if we stay the course and do good with our time on this earth.

I Am a Child of God (Mildred T. Pettit; arr. Ryan Murphy)

From my earliest days of a child, this song has always been a favorite. I always feel a peaceful feeling when I sing it. To know I'm a child of God who loves me is a truth that my heart rejoices in. I also think of singing it to my kids when they were little as I was putting them to bed. 


Their Sound Is Gone Out into All Lands, from Messiah (George Frideric
This one isn't really familiar, but I enjoyed thinking of what a great thing it is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with people. 


Somewhere, from West Side Story (Leonard Bernstein; arr. Arthur Harris):
Truth be told, this song brought me back to when I played the part of Baby John in this musical, while a sophomore in high school. Striving for the ideal, learning to forgive and love, knowing there's a time and place for all things. Good messages in a great song.

No Man Is an Island (Joan Whitney and Alex Kramer; arr. Michael Davis): So I
hadn't sung this one before, but the lyrics are wonderful. I don't care so much for the tune or tempo, but click on the title link and listen/watch for yourself. The message and depictions of people are worth the 2 min and 45 seconds.


How Firm a Foundation (Attributed to J. Ellis; arr. Mack Wilberg): This is one of my favorite hymns. I love it. It always brings tears to my eyes, and today was no exception. "Fear not, I am with thee, oh be not dismayed. For I am thy God and will still give thee aid. I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand. Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand."

Until next time, God be with you.


Sunday, February 21, 2016

MTC Week #112 - Mahler's Eighth & Virtual Filming

What a long and tiring week.
But as the choir endured what we were called upon to do, several highlights emerged and blessings were felt.

The fun all began Tuesday night as the choir convened for another rehearsal of Mahler's 8th Symphony. A symphony that we have been rehearsing for probably upwards of 40-50 hours (I could go back and get an accurate count, but that's an approximate guess that's hopefully somewhat close). As we met Tuesday, we were joined by the Utah Symphony, The Madeleine Choir School (comprised of elementary/junior high kids), and eight soloists. And Thierry Fischer, of course, as our conductor. We went through various portions of the symphony. And then on Wednesday night and Thursday night, we went through the whole program, occasionally going back to perfect certain parts here and there. 

I can say, that despite the difficulty of learning this masterpiece, it was gratifying to see it all come together with the full ensemble. Mack had given us the pep talk way back in Sept/Oct time frame, that learning Mahler's Eighth would equate to "heavy lifting". And heavy lifting it certainly was! There were plenty of rehearsals that were grueling and plenty that seemed to go on forever. But as it all came together this week, I had a new appreciation for this work of art and was grateful to be a part of the overall musical experience. 

Our performances were Friday and Saturday evening--singing and playing to a full-capacity crowd. My favorite performance was on Saturday. As a choir, we seemed to have fewer mistakes that night. For me personally, it just felt better. The symphony contains a lot of interesting and emotionally charged sections. But my favorite was the magnificent ending. 

It was grand.
It was glorious.
It was moving.

And afterwards, kind Thierry Fischer gave Mack Wilberg and the Madeleine Choir director a big hug for all of their help in preparing the choirs. I was grateful for that, particularly since Mack spent all of that time preparing us and wasn't able to actually conduct us. To his additional credit (and with no surprise), each night he was right there giving us notes on what to improve based on our performance the night previous. Fully invested, he was! As always.

Will I miss it? No.
Will I miss waking up every morning with Mahler's music going through my head? No.
Will I miss rehearsing it? No.
Am I grateful I was part of the performance? Definitely.
After all, it feels good to do hard things, doesn't it? Isn't life itself full of hard things? And each time we get through one successfully, we feel good. We feel like we've grown. And we feel like we've learned. 

The next morning, being very tired (following each performance, there was a recording session we had to stay for), we prepared for Music & the Spoken Word--singing some personal favorites such as "Redeemer of Israel", and "Arise, O God, and Shine". Afterwards, we stayed for filming of the Virtual Choir project. I had no idea this project was so BIG. I don't think I've personally seen so many cameras and lighting equipment and monitors, all in one space. We were joined by several dozens of "extras"--non-choir members who had applied to come sing with the choir for this project. Men and women from a wide range of ages and nationality and individual uniqueness. Once they took their places, we sang "Hallelujah" from Handel's Messiah, many times, as cameras took footage after footage. 

You can see some pics, below. AND, here's a great summary/feature story from a local news channel that will give you a better appreciation of how the filming went and what the project is all about. 

Anyhow, it'll be interesting to see the final product once it's released next month. As always, I was grateful to be a part of the experience. Anything that is designed to promote good, uplifting music and to help others feel included and inspired is always great to be a part of.

Until next time, God be with you.

(some photos courtesy KSL)


Sunday, February 14, 2016

MTC Week #111 - Of Virtual Choirs, Houses, and Thierry

An interesting morning with the Choir, to be sure. 

As I wasn't at the Thursday rehearsal, I had to be content observing the choir's performance from the side balcony benches. I'll admit, it's hard to just watch. I know some choir members who don't think twice about it--they are actually grateful to take a break and enjoy just sitting and listening. But honestly, I'd much rather be singing. It kills me to be "benched." 

Sitting there, waiting for rehearsal to begin, a good friend came over to say
hello and talk a bit, which I was grateful for. Then, about 20 minutes into rehearsal, Dave Gheris (the seating manager) came over and pointed to five of us and motioned us to come over. He then said to go down, get into our tuxes, and go to the horseshoe (a practice room underneath the Tabernacle). 

As I proceeded to go downstairs with the others, I asked the others what this was all about--thinking maybe, just maybe, they knew something I didn't. But no one knew a thing. Are they going to have us sing something? Are we going on a field trip? Is there a new meet-and-greet-the-audience program that I missed hearing about? I couldn't for the life of me figure it out. 

Once there, we were finally told what was going on. 

Bonneville Communications has organized this "World's Largest Virtual Hallelujah Chorus" project (to promote our upcoming Handel's Messiah concert)
in which people from all over the world can submit a video of themselves singing the Hallelujah chorus (in whatever part they sing). They will then be digitally placed into the choir as they sing the chorus. See more details HERE

Anyway, as part of that, the few of us choir members who had congregated in the horseshoe (women included) were asked to stand in front of some cameras and get our picture taken in various facial poses. They will then take those photos and insert us into the choir video shoot happening next week--which is all part of this virtual chorus project. I'm not entirely sure where, exactly, we'll appear in the final project. But when the whole thing is complete, the video will be posted for all to see. 

Out of my tuxedo and back to the benches, I observed the choir singing various patriotic numbers in honor of Presidents Day. I think my favorite number was "This House I Live In" by Earl Robinson. It asks the question "What's America to me?"  It got me thinking of what America means to me. And I appreciated the opportunity to think about that question. Especially during a year of such heated politics.

After the broadcast, we spent the next two hours rehearsing Mahler's 8th, but
this time, with the actual conductor who will be conducting the concert--Thierry Fischer. It always takes time getting used to a different conductor, but Thierry knew what he was doing, of course, and made some suggestions along the way that seemed to resonate with all of us. At the end of rehearsal, he was very complimentary and said that he couldn't wait for next time. 

And speaking of next time, this coming week is one of THOSE weeks where we get to be at the Tabernacle every night. Both for rehearsals and then for the actual concerts Friday and Saturday. As with all performances though, it'll be fun to see it all come together. 

Will I miss the Mahler rehearsals though?

No, probably not. :)

Until next time, may God be with you.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

MTC Week #110 - How Lovely Are the Messengers

As we began rehearsal this morning, Ryan Murphy challenged us to think about missionary work and missionaries that we knew, while singing one of our songs  "How Lovely Are the Messengers" by Felix Mendelssohn. The main lyrics of the song are based on a scripture in the Book of Isaiah:

Isaiah 52:7:  How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!

I was grateful for the challenge, since one my nieces, Rachel, just left to serve a mission a couple of months ago, to North Carolina. And a nephew, Tanner, just left last week to serve in Argentina. They are the first niece and nephew to go, and many more will follow--including some of my own children, I'm sure. (For those of you not as familiar with missionary work within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you can read more HERE.) As my wife and I, along with my kids, have started to pray for Rachel and Tanner, we're daily reminded of the importance of missionary work and how wonderful it is that we can all be missionaries and let others know of the teachings of Jesus Christ through our words and daily actions. We're grateful to share something that means so much to us, and has truly helped us be happy.

At my parents' home, there's a map of the world on the wall with pin-on banners showing various locations. And under that map is a listing of who has served full-time missions thus far, starting with my mom and dad who, before they were married, both had the opportunity to serve in Germany. It's been fun to look at each time the family gathers--to think about who will be next to leave, and to be reminded of how important it is to share truth with others.

While my mission to Japan was an extremely humbling experience (particularly learning the language), I am grateful that I was able to share important truths with the people of Japan. I'm very grateful, too, that I was blessed with other missionary opportunities afterwards: to be a part of the Hill Cumorah Pageant and to be a performing missionary in Nauvoo, Illinois. These were certainly some of my life's highlights, including now being able to sing in the Choir. But my greatest missionary moments have come as my wife and I have been able to teach and love our children. These are opportunities and experiences I wouldn't trade for anything.

The great thing is, that regardless of who we are, we can all be a positive and uplifting influence on others, sharing truths we've learned within our families and with everyone in our sphere of influence. 

The world needs more light. So be a light!

Until next time, God be with you.