For us 2nd-years, we went back to Tuesday night rehearsals with the Chorale, learning Mozart's "Requiem". We hadn't rehearsed if for a month-- so we were glad to get back into such a magnificent piece and start learning it in more earnest. It was good, too, to see and talk to the 1st-years again after a month of really not seeing them too much. About mid-way through, Ryan Murphy opened the floor up to anyone wanting to share any joys or concerns as he usually does Tuesday nights. Most of the comments centered around the spiritual experiences choir/chorale members had during ACDA week. It was a treat to listen to these experiences that further testified of how much impact the events of last week had on so many people. It made me think of this scripture.
Thursday night was a typical rehearsal aside from many choir members being absent. We rehearsed music for the broadcast this morning and just enjoyed doing it in a little less pressured atmosphere :) In a very uncharacteristic move, Mack made us a little deal. He said if we sang what would become the last song of the evening, in tune, he'd let us go early. So everyone didn't hesitate to do so and we were indeed finished at 9:00. (I just think he recognized how tired we still were, but also just wanted to thank us for all we did recently.)
Aside from everyone being a little sleepy from the time change, the broadcast went without a hitch this morning. I can't say that any one song really made an impression on me enough to expound on it here. But I was just simply glad to be there, doing what I love and praying that those listening today would be uplifted in some way.
From today's broadcast (3/8/15) |
Until next time, God be with you!