Sunday, July 20, 2014

MTC Week #29 - Summer Celebration Pioneer Day Concert

It was a busy week for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the Orchestra at Temple Square as we prepared for our Pioneer Day Summer Celebration of Song Concert on Friday and Saturday of this past week. We met Tuesday evening to rehearse and then again on Thursday. Thursday our guest artist Santino Fantana was there and it was fun to see how all of the songs we've been rehearsing were coming together with him added into the program. 

What's funny though, is we never once went through the entire program from beginning to end so when we sang the first concert on Friday night, it almost felt like a glorified dress rehearsal :)  Such is how it goes with the Choir I've come to find out. It all works out in the end, but sometimes you just never know how it will!

All that said, it was a very fun concert. The conference center's 21,000 seats were almost all filled both nights and the audience seemed to really love Santino. Our local newspapers gave glowing reviews (see HERE and HERE) and you can actually watch the concert on YouTube (at least for now) here. I almost think that the organ and orchestra number stole the show (the crowd went wild and they were instantly to their feet following its conclusion). I tried thinking of my favorite song from a singer's perspective and had a difficult time. I
truly liked them all for different reasons. Some were spiritually moving. Some were just plain fun. And some brought back memories of musicals I've been in or attended. The last song we sang was a "Happy" medley which was a combination of songs that speak of happiness and it was not only a crowd pleaser but one that I'm glad we ended on since the message of happiness is what the gospel of Jesus Christ is all about.

To end this week's post, I just wanted to express thanks for a few things related to this past weekend.

  • was grateful for my fellow basses surrounding me and keeping me on the right notes (particularly on all of the jumps in the pioneer songs). 
    I made a couple of new friends and that it always a cause for celebration (aren't relationships one of the most treasured things we have?)
  • was grateful for a teleprompter to remind me from time to time what the lyrics to songs were. I'm not sure all of the reasons why we had one in the first place, and I quickly realized it's only useful to occasionally look at them (when I looked at them too much, my brain seemed to go on autopilot)
  • was grateful seeing the audience members so happy and excited to be at the concerts. Their applause and smiles and enthusiasm make all this worth it 100 times over
  • was grateful for the pioneers themselves which is why we had the concert in the first place. While I'm grateful for their sacrifice, I also realize we're all pioneers in some respect, "forging onward ever onward."
  • was VERY grateful for the song we sang at the end of Music & the Spoken Word today (which was also dedicated to pioneers). The song was Redeemer of Israel (Mack Wilberg version) and there are two reasons why this song means to much to me. First, I just really feel the spirit when I sing it. I get teary eyed every time. They lyrics are powerful and they seem to perfectly combine with the music to just penetrate your heart. Second, it was one of the last songs I sang with the BYU Concert Choir back in 1997 when Mack Wilberg was the director. I remember thinking that it very well might be the last time I get to sing that song in a professional choir setting. It left a hole in my heart. But today, there I was, singing it again and I felt absolutely grateful for the incredible blessing of being in this choir. 
Until next time, God be with you...

Sunday, July 13, 2014

MTC Week #28 - Give Oh Give

From Catherine Davis, a West Virginia
missionary who said, "I feel so blessed
to know Pres. & Sis. Pitt. Thanks for
changing my life for the better!"
Veering off the Tabernacle Choir path just a bit, I wanted to first thank my parents for all of the service they provided to those in West Virginia these past three years. They recently returned from serving as mission presidents there and today they were asked to speak in church and share some of their experiences. It was very evident as they spoke that their mission experiences have a) deeply increased their love of the Savior Jesus Christ; b) deepened their love for individuals in general; c) helped them gain more gospel and scripture knowledge and insights; d) and above all, has helped them experience previously unknown blessings that come from serving others.

Serving others is a wonderful win-win opportunity. You learn to love those you serve, and those you serve love you back. I saw that love today as there was standing room only at the church service and hundreds that showed up afterwards at their home for a reception. As I helped shuttle people up to the house from parking quite far away, they all said the same thing: "We just love your parents. They are such good people!"

At our Music & Spoken Word broadcast today, one of the songs we sang was "Give, Said the Little Stream." It's typically sung by children during primary but its lyrics apply to all of us, young or old. They lyrics are simple and nature-based. Here's a little stream who is constantly giving to all as it goes down the hill. The grass, the plants, the flowers are all benefited by the life-giving water. There's a verse about the rain that provides life to all it falls upon. And then there's the last verse which I quote here: 

Give, then, as Jesus gives,
Give, oh! give, give, oh! give.
Give, then, as Jesus gives;
There is something all can give.
Do as the streams and blossoms do:

For God and others live.

Just as my parents gave 24x7 service to missionaries for three years, we can all give of ourselves each and every day. Opportunities for service abound and taking advantage of them will most certainly help us be happier and help us love others as the Savior loves them.

As an aside, I just want to say what a joy it was to sing that song today.
Ryan Murphy conducting "Give Said
the Little Stream"
Ryan Murphy, who arranged this version, is literally aglow when he conducts it and his smile and enthusiasm just come into my heart making me happy. He knows the value of giving and when I sang today, I was reminded of that important truth.

Until next time...God be with you.

PS: If you can't make it to our Pioneer Day Summer Song Celebration Concert, check out the info HERE as to other ways you can watch it. It's going to be a fun one.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

MTC Week #27 - Ambassadors of Light

So we had a few interesting guests in the audience today for Music and the Spoken Word. One was Mitt Romney (who received a standing ovation when he was introduced), and one was John Rhys-Davies--who, for all of your Lord of the Rings fans, played the part of Gimli the dwarf. Mr. Davies was also a guest performer (see 1:27 into the performance) at the 2013 Christmas Concert. 

John Rhys-Davies
After the program was over and the audience was leaving, Mr. Davies came up to the podium and said a few complimentary and kind words to the choir. He said that he is always very inspired when he listens to us sing and that we are probably the only choir in the world who can have such an inspirational effect because of the way we live our lives. The morals and standards and principles we live in our personal lives are directly reflected in what we sing and the way we sing it.

While choir members have their shortcomings and faults just like anyone else, we certainly do try to live good lives that follow the example of our Savior. We are ambassadors of light, charged with sharing that light with the world through music and song. Some lyrics from one of today's songs speaks of this charge: 

Hear us, we humbly pray;
And, where the gospel’s day
Sheds not its glorious ray,
  Let there be light!
Oh, now to all mankind
  Let there be light!
Through the earth, far and wide,
  Let there be light! 
(Let There Be Light, words by John Marriott)

Every single person on earth is given the light of Christ. Our goal is to help that light grow brighter within each person who hears us. And hopefully, with a brighter light, individuals improve their lives and strive to become more like their Savior.

Elder Quentin L. Cook summed it up best:

The moral foundation of our doctrine can be a beacon light to the world and can be a unifying force for both morality and faith in Jesus Christ. We need to protect our families and be at the forefront together with all people of goodwill in doing everything we can to preserve light, hope, and morality in our communities.

If we both live and proclaim these principles, we will be following Jesus Christ, who is the true Light of the World. We can be a force for righteousness in preparing for the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We look forward to that beautiful day when “free hearts will sing when the lights go on again all over the world.”

Until next time...God be with you.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

MTC Week #26 - Freedom

Music and the Spoken Word today had a "freedom" theme, in line with the celebrating of Independence Day this coming week. It was a very fun and rewarding broadcast to be a part of as I enjoy singing songs that center on such themes. 

I think these patriotic songs that we sing each year at Memorial Day and Independence Day are being more and more--or less and less--appreciated by people. Those who long for our country to be more of what it once was and have it return to traditional morals and values and freedoms that it was built upon, are in the "more and more" camp. Those who are perfectly fine with the way this country has become are probably in the "less and less" camp. 

Don't get me wrong. I still believe our country is a great country. I, like you, still enjoy the freedoms we have and the opportunities this country affords us. And for that, I'm very grateful. At the same time, I'm saddened by the actions (or inactions) of our current government, by the decisions handed down by our judicial system, and by the abuse of power demonstrated by the current presidential administration. I'm also saddened by a growing trend of selfishness, of intolerance, of disrespect, and of amorality. 

Indeed, the scripture in 2 Timothy 3 fits nicely in describing what times we live in:

1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof. . .

So what can be done? 

I don't claim to have all the answers, but some, I think, are found in some of the lyrics we sang today. Here are a few of those lyrics for your thoughtful pondering and spiritual interpretation:

I hear a distant song: it fills the air.
I hear it, deep and strong, rise up in prayer:
'O Lord, we are many; help us to be one.
Heal our divisions: let thy will be done.'
I know the time will come when war must cease:
A time of truth and love, a time of peace.
The people cry, 'How long?
Till all our world can join the song
Of freedom, freedom.'
(From John Rutter's piece, DISTANT LAND. Click HERE to listen) 

Our fathers' God to Thee,
Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright,
With freedom's holy light,
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God our King.
(From Samuel Francis Smith's MY COUNTRY 'TIS OF THEE. Click HERE to listen)

Both of these songs acknowledge God as one who can heal and help. If we but turn to Him and His Son Jesus Christ, and live lives that reflect God's pattern for happy living, what an incredible difference that would make in our great nation.

May we all do just a little better.

Until next time, God be with you.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

MTC Week #25 - Random Observations & Being Taught by Trials

As there was nothing particularly out of the ordinary this week with rehearsals and Music and the Spoken Word, I thought it might be somewhat interesting to jot down some observations I've made lately about the choir experience.

A. It's very interesting to think that during my lifetime in the choir (who knows how long I'll be in, but 17 more years is a possibility), I'll likely not actually meet everyone in the choir. It's a strange thought. But given how many people are in this organization, there's really not enough time or opportunity to even say "hello" to every person. Unless the individual was a fellow bass, I probably wouldn't recognize a tenor, alto, or soprano if I ran into them at a restaurant or a store or some local place. What's strange about this, even though we don't know each other, we can still be a unified choir by expecting everyone to do their part and by praying for everyone to work hard. 

B. I've noticed there are three types of people in the choir. You have your extremely social individuals who talk and comment each moment they get. They congregate during breaks to discuss this or that, walk with each other down our long hallways, and enjoy friendships. You have your non-social individuals who are often seen alone reading books during breaks, walking alone, and keep their heads down. They come to choir, sing well, and then go home. Then you have those who straddle the fence and perhaps could be called your "semi-social" group.

C. There are about 350 to 450 who attend our Thursday night rehearsals each week (and certainly several more who attend the Sunday broadcast--probably a couple of thousand). There are those who come for a few minutes; those who stay for a good hour or so, and those die-hards who stay from start to finish. There are always youth groups and groups from other countries who visit on Sunday. And occasionally we have guests of choir members sing with us for fun on Thursday nights. This last time we had a young man, probably in his 20s, who was studying to be a Lutheran pastor. As he was introduced, it was said that he loved the choir and loved talks given by President Uchtdorf! That produced quite a chuckle as you normally wouldn't expect that from someone trying to become a pastor of another faith.

D. The issues that Bro. Wilberg and Bro. Murphy have us fix each week as we rehearse music are very often the same things. Vowel placement and singing on pitch (which are related) win the top prize. It makes me wonder why, if we as a choir know that (and certainly everyone must know that), it takes so much work each week to get those two things implemented and/or fixed. 

E. Organ solos are truly cool. I don't think I noticed this when not in the choir, but our organists  Richard Elliott, Clay Christiansen, Andrew Unsworth, Bonnie Goodliffe, and Linda Margetts are VERY talented and know how to play some very inspirational and moving pieces. 

F. Us new choir members have a lot of work cut out for us as we try and learn and memorize new songs. We currently have two concerts in the not too distant future and we practically have to memorize the entire song lineup! It takes me a few days just to memorize one and now when I see I have twenty to commit to memory in just three to six weeks, I feel overwhelmed. I wonder what I'll be listening to on my iPhone several hours a day for next few months!

That's about it for this week. We have our Pioneer Day Concert coming up on July 18 and 19th. And we have the Deer Valley Musical Festival coming up on August 8th. 

To end on a spiritual uplifting note, here were the words spoken today by Bro. Newell on our Music and the Spoken Word broadcast:

The Bible records that the Apostle Paul had what he called "a thorn in the flesh"-a trial or difficulty that helped to keep him humble and steadfast. He asked the Lord three times to take it from him, but it remained. Yet Paul came to see divine purpose in his infirmities and hardships, declaring with great wisdom, "For when I am weak, then am I strong."

At times, for each of us, the path of life seems to be all uphill, filled with obstacles and hazards. But these struggles are not meant to stop us or discourage us. They are meant to change us. If we face our challenges with all of the courage, patience, and faith we have-undoubtedly developing a great deal more in the process-we'll reach the top of that hill and make an important discovery: In the journey of life, the destination is not as important as what we become along the way.

From that elevated perspective, we may notice that our hardships were the very things we needed to make us better and stronger. Becoming our best self often happens because of-rather than in spite of-unfavorable circumstances. Our greatest trials can become our greatest teachers.

Until next time...God be with you.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

MTC Week #24 - Father Introspection

June 15, 2014

A very happy Father's Day to all of you fathers out there. It's not an easy job to be the father that God wants you to be but I know many fathers who try their best to live up to that ideal, including my own father. While my dad and I were not very close growing up (very different interests), I always respected him and was grateful for his example and what he taught me. So thanks Dad for who you were and who you are today.

For Music and the Spoken Word today, we sang a number of songs that made
me do some serious reflection (and which almost produced a few tears), about how I did, and how I'm doing, as a dad. My kids span six years old to 15 years old, and I naturally thought about my oldest and how she'll only be with us for another three years or so before she launches into the world. In some respects, three years is awhile. But as every year seems to go faster than the previous one, three years is going to fly by.

Incorporating some of the lyrics of today's songs into my thoughts, I asked myself these questions regarding my children: 

Am I a dad who is brave, strong, and true?
Do I fill the world with love and do you see that I do?
Do I spend enough time with you flying kites, swinging in the swings, playing ball?
Have I given you more than things? Have I given you a heart that sings? Do I have a place in your heart?
As I'm turning around and realizing how quickly time has gone, will I have taught you enough before you go out the door? Before you have kids of your own?
Have I helped provide a home where there's a special feeling of warmth, security, shelter, and love?

I'm thankful for being able to sing songs today that help remind me of my responsibilities of being a great dad. I'm grateful in general for being able to sing songs each week that speak to my soul. And as people come to watch the choir rehearse each week and to watch Sunday morning's performance, I have a prayer in my heart that they'll leave the experience inspired to be better.

After today's Music & Spoken Word broadcast

Until next time, God be with you!

Monday, June 9, 2014

MTC Week #23 - Normal?

June 9, 2014

So is this past week what they'd call a "normal" week with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? I dare say it was. I'm not sure any of us who just joined back in January have ever known a normal week! At any rate, we met for rehearsal Thursday night and, as mentioned in my blog last week, the folks from the ACDA leadership were there in the audience listening and observing. Thankfully the rehearsal itself went "very well" (in the words of Bro. Wilberg) and the only hitch was that the orchestra was missing one of the pieces we'd be performing on Sunday. Thankfully they are a very bright orchestra and picked it up just fine as we rehearsed Sunday morning.

The theme for Sunday's Music & the Spoken Word was "The Root of Good Manners". I thought that was an interesting title and tried to think, offhand, what the root of good manners would actually be. Surely it's more than just being polite or being kind, though I'm sure those would fit in there somewhere.

Bro. Newell, who gives the spoken word each Sunday, said the following about this topic: 

Actor John Rhys-Davies says that it is quite natural to feel shy, to be uncomfortable in a room of strangers. His advice? "Turn it the other way around and think, 'I'm walking into a room full of very shy people, and my job is to make them feel at ease and comfortable in their situation.' That is really the root of good manners: making the people around you feel comfortable."

Some people are so skilled at making others feel comfortable. They're genuinely interested in others; they're kind and thoughtful; they're easy to be around. Instead of focusing on themselves, they choose to be considerate and responsive, and they seem to take sincere joy in making people happy.

It's easy to assume that some people are just naturally outgoing-that it comes easily to them-and the rest of us simply aren't that way. But the fact is that with a little effort and practice, anyone can choose to be open, loving, and warm. That might mean we attentively listen, or we think, "What can I learn from this person?" For others, it might mean we speak up a little more or make the effort to meet someone new.

The skill of good manners is not beyond anyone's reach-at its roots, it's simply a matter of forgetting ourselves and helping others feel comfortable.

My sister-in-law Jenny is an expert at this and my wife and I are amazed at her ability to make others around her feel comfortable. We try ourselves to do this but it doesn't quite come as naturally as she makes it look! What's interesting to think about though, is can walk into a room of people you may not not know and be content to just "lay low." And I suppose there are times when that's OK. But think about what you're missing out on. There are all of these people, each with a story, each with a personality, and each probably willing to get to know you if you take the initiative. Who knows how your life might be impacted or blessed just because of a conversation? In the eternal sense, we're all God's children so perhaps if we look at it as just getting to know one of your brothers or sisters, that might make it easier.
Go ahead...give it a try!

The song that touched me the most on the broadcast Sunday was the one we always close with:  God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again. For some reason, I felt as though it was really impacting someone in the audience as we sang it. Check out the background of this hymn, and also a wonderful conversion story regarding the Torgersens of Norway. One excerpt from that story: "They concluded the tour in the Tabernacle and were about to leave when a choir recording of “God Be with You Till We Meet Again” began to play. “I sat down and started crying,” recalls Solvor. “I couldn’t stop. Thor attributed my strange behavior to being overcome by beautiful music, but I didn’t tell him what really happened, because I couldn’t speak.”

Until next time, God be with you...