Sunday, October 30, 2022

TCATS #445 - Music Everywhere

I found it very interesting that today's Music & the Spoken Word broadcast ended with a new song from Ryan Murphy called "Music Everywhere". The reason that's so interesting to me is because 99% of the time, broadcasts end with songs that are often familiar but always very Christ-centric. For example, if you looked at the last ten broadcasts, the following songs were the ending songs: 

Praise the Lord, His Glories Show
Let Us All Press On
Standing on the Promises
O Come Ye Nations of the Earth
How Firm a Foundation
All Creatures of Our God and King
It Is Well With My Soul
Come, Labor On
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
When in Our Music God is Glorified

The song "Music Everywhere" speaks of music being found in the valleys, on the hills, in the mountains, by the fireside, in the air, in the true heart, for the weary, in our gladness, and several other places.  Basically, as the title indicates, music is anywhere and everywhere. 

In thinking about this a little more deeply, even though the song doesn't once mention God or Christ, these deity are responsible for our lives and everything on this earth that we enjoy. They created the valleys, hills, and mountains. They gave us air to breathe. They allow us to feel all sorts of emotions--including weariness and gladness. And they give us opportunities to live according to a true heart--a heart that gives way to living authentically and lovingly. And in and through all of these things is music. Now it may be music that we purposely listen to or sing along to, but it could also be music that's found in nature, or the type that's found in the expression and the rhythm of our lives

I like how Wikipedia defines music:  "Music is generally defined as the art of arranging sound to create some combination of form, harmony, melody, rhythm or otherwise expressive content. Exact definitions of music vary considerably around the world, though it is an aspect of all human societies, a cultural universal."

By this definition, even our breathing (a type of rhythmic sound) could be considered music!

So actually, yes. The fact that music is indeed everywhere testifies of Christ's love for us. And whether it's a rousing chorus of "How Firm a Foundation" that stirs our emotions or the music of wind in the trees that brings tranquility and peace, we have God to thank for all of it. 

So perhaps, there's no better song to end a broadcast with!

Until next time, God be with you.


Photo: Ryan Murphy conducting "Music Everywhere".