I'm going to keep it extra real for this blog post.
There have been three thoughts regarding the Tabernacle Choir that have been going through my head this past week.
First, we received instruction from our vocal coach, Rebecca Wilberg, to spend the next couple of months trying to get our voices back in shape. She sent some specific exercises to work on, to that end. So, along with singing at Church and singing in the car, I'm going to try and work on those exercises so I feel more ready when we all go back and starting singing as a Choir again.
Second, with the reality of seeing fellow choir members again sometime soon, I thought about the people I've stayed in contact with, the ones I haven't, and how I'll really process choir relationships again. I don't know that I came to any conclusion. It was just a thought--and one that sort of just sits there in my head.
Third, a therapist I see occasionally helped me work through some frustrations I've had during this long Choir pause these past 15 months. Self-criticism has always been a struggle of mine and I've done plenty of that in trying to process why my emotions have been so difficult to manage.
Aside from those main three things, people continue to ask me all the time about "choir status". While I still can't completely tell them all the details about the plan to return (I hear that such details might be made public sometime in the next few weeks....hopefully), I can tell them there is a plan and their wait to see live performances again is almost over.
Until next time, God be with you.