Sunday, April 27, 2014

MTC Week #17 - Small Group Performances

April 27 - 2014  This week's post may be a little shorter as there wasn't a lot of Mormon Tabernacle Choir-related activities going on this week (I don't think I've been able to say since this journey began in January!). 

As I've already mentioned previously, 
we took our final written exam a couple of
weeks ago. Then last week was full of Messiah rehearsals and performances, and this week we had our 2nd to last Choir School class in which we sang, in small groups, in front of Ryan and Mack. Basically, we were divided into three groups, given a hymn to sing (which we've been aware of for a few weeks now), and then listened/replied to feedback that our director and associate director gave us. The whole point was to think about everything we've learned and directly apply it, real-time. After singing in through once, they had us re-sing a few sections, had us try and sound more unified, and asked us about any traps/trouble spots we observed (and tried to fix) while singing. Along the way, they gave us advice and instruction and told us the things to always focus on when we joined the choir. They also congratulated us on making it through Choir School and expressed their confidence that we'd be a valuable addition to the choir. Mack cautioned us that we'd have a steep learning curve this first year as we learned music each week and were asked to memorize some of it for the performances each Sunday. While I completely agreed with his comment about learning curves, I was thinking that those of us who already did the CD recording and The Messiah performance have already been exposed to that curve and now have somewhat of an idea of how challenging each week can be. For that, I'm grateful. 

The hymn we sang for Ryan and Mack was "Lean on Thy Ample Arm"--which certainly is not one that most congregations sing. In fact, I'd wager to say that most have never sung it. Period. As I was rehearsing it with my group, I finally realized that I hadn't taken the time to really hone in on the lyrics. They are actually very comforting so I thought I'd share them hear.

Lean on my ample arm, O thou depressed!
And I will bid the storm cease in thy breast.
Whate'er thy lot may be On life's complaining sea,
If thou wilt come to me, Thou shalt have rest.

Lift up thy tearful eyes, Sad heart, to me;
I am the sacrifice offered for thee.
In me thy pain shall cease, in me is thy release,
In me thou shalt have peace eternally.

The line about the storm really resonated with me. Recently it seems like life has been so very busy and stressful, that's there's been a storm within me that often seems to smother the peace I long for. But the hymn is clear: come unto Christ who loves you, who is interested in you, and who has the ability to comfort you. And He will provide you with some rest and peace. Just as he calmed the raging sea of Galilea, He can and does calm us.

It reminds me of a beautiful scripture from Moroni in the Book of Mormon

32 Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.

Until next time...God be with you!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

MTC Week #16 - The MESSIAH

April 20, 2014 - After Friday night's performance of The Messiah, Scott Barrick (General Manager of the Tabernacle Choir) sent this to us:

ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!!!  That's what last night's performance of Messiah was!  Thank you!  In addition to thrilling audiences in the Tabernacle, Legacy Theater and Conference Center Theatre, our audience stretched around the world!  Here are some of the highlights:

At the high point, we had 3,000 viewers watching on YouTube.
We were "trending" on Facebook, meaning that a lot of people were sharing the link to the concert and commenting and liking the content.
As I write this at 8:30 Saturday morning 1,920 people had liked the Facebook post about Messiah, with 815 shares and going up by the minute.
The concert had already been viewed over 6,000 times on YouTube. (editor's comment: we're now at nearly 9,000 as of 4/20/14)
We had comments from Portugal, Brazil, Mexico, Africa, Switzerland and all the way to Grain Valley, Missouri!

Steve D (who stood
on my right and
helped keep me on
While I'd have to agree that it WAS stunning (and lots of other adjectives such as incredible, stirring, emotional, sacred, and moving), from a singer's perspective, it was also emotionally draining and mentally exhausting! As one who has never sang The Messiah before (minus the Hallelujah Chorus), I
Rob G. (who stood on
my left, and helped me
as well)
found it very difficult to truly enjoy the experience as much as I really wanted to because I was trying so hard to sing it correctly. That said, there WERE many moments where everything seemed to "lock in" and I was able to be immersed in the testimony of Christ that Handel had ingrained into this work of art. And for those moments I'm very grateful. Other choir members I talked to (particularly those of us in Choir School still) had similar feelings about the experience.

Those who came and witnessed the event enjoyed it immensely. I couldn't believe the applause at the end. I felt like I was in a football stadium. 

At the end of the day though, if it helped someone, in someway, come closer to their Savior and want to be more like Him... then as Choir members, and orchestra members, and soloists, and Director, and stage crew, and choir supportive staff making it all possible, we successfully lived up to our calling as musical missionaries.

Happy Easter to everyone. May you find a greater desire to be like our Savior in all you do.

Until next time, God be with you!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

MTC Week #15 - Final Exam

April 13, 2014 - Amidst all of the preparations for our upcoming Messiah Concert (which takes place this coming Friday and Saturday), there was the little detail of preparing for, and taking, our FINAL EXAM. No one was too excited for this event and I think secretly we in the Choir School were all hoping that somehow it would be canceled. We envisioned the Choir President coming into class Tuesday evening and saying "Beloved Choir School members: because this year had been a very unique year for our choir school in that you've delivered a beautiful concert a whole month earlier than normal; have sung in numerous Music and the Spoken Word performances before graduating; have already contributed to the recording of a new CD; and have attended numerous extra rehearsals for the upcoming Messiah concert, we feel it only appropriate that you be considered full-fledged Mormon Tabernacle Choir members without needing to take the final exam. Congratulations!!"


This of course did not happen. So, we combed through our notes, handouts, and other materials that covered music theory, important music habits, and singing technique (oh, and of course, the Choir Handbook)--all of which we have been learning over the past 14 weeks, and showed up Thursday night to do our best. Truth be told, it wasn't THAT bad. Some tricky questions here and there to be sure, and I'm sure none of us enjoyed the multiple choice ones that had a bazillion possible answers ("a & e", "b & c", "a, d, & e", "all of the above", "none of the above" know the kind). But in speaking with others after it was all over, everyone felt about the same: just glad to be done and thankful for the things they had learned.

And truly, I am grateful for the things I've learned. While I believe I've incorporated a few of them already, I hope to incorporate a lot more as I continue on this journey.

I realized however, after it was over and I was walking up to the loft to rehearse Messiah pieces, that I was feeling a bit sad. Sad that our Choir School group was about to be incorporated into the Tabernacle Choir proper. Don't misunderstand. . .I'm stoked to be joining the Choir soon. I have to pinch myself often to remind myself that my Heavenly Father has given me such a choice opportunity. However, being in a smaller group, getting individualized attention, going through this part of the journey with the other choir school members (and becoming friends with many of them), getting to learn a difficult piece of music under the direction of Ryan Murphy...I will miss it. A lot.  A big shout out to all of the choir school members, the instructors, and the staff members who have made it all such a good experience. Thank you.

Well, we performed several pieces from The Messiah, on Music and the Spoken Word today and we have a couple of rehearsals left to try and perfect all of the other pieces we'll be singing (I counted, and I think there are 20 or so chorus numbers we'll be performing). This is challenging music to learn and my diaphragm is about ready to call it quits singing all of the melismas. But at the same time, it's been amazing. Handel was a genius and his music is truly inspiring and a work of art. His testimony of Jesus Christ is something that all of us in the choir (coupled with our own testimony of Christ) hope to share with the world this coming weekend.

Until next time...God be with you!

PS: The Choir announced their 2015 tour destination. You can find the official announcement here!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

MTC Week #14 - Top Ten, April 2014 Conference

April 6, 2014 - There are so many experiences and thoughts to share about this past week that I thought I'd do a Top Ten post (in no particular order). My hope is to convey how blessed I feel to participate in this great organization whose goal it is to spread the great Gospel of Jesus Christ.

10 - Hearing from the individual in charge of arranging guest artists to come sing with the choir. He told us some interesting stories, focusing on the experience he had in arranging for David Archuleta to sing at the Christmas Concert a few years ago. It gave me appreciation for all that goes into the process of securing a guest artist, and it was interesting to hear how each guest artist was changed for the better after their singing experience. 

9 - Practicing for conference. We spent several hours Tuesday and Thursday
View from the choir seats at the Conference Center
evenings rehearsing songs for conference. Choir School members were assigned to sing at one of the five sessions of conference but we were asked to learn music for all of the sessions just in case an opening became available (someone from the Choir got sick, had other commitments, etc). The songs we rehearsed have such powerful messages and it was a privilege to sing them over and over and over again.

8 - Conversing with other choir school members about our chore of memorizing music. I think this talent comes easier for some than others. Personally, it takes me quite some time to memorize--time spent outside of rehearsals. I gained strength listening to others as they worked on it, and as I spent a few hours myself memorizing, I was reminded of how good it feels to be prepared. "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear." (Doctrine & Covenants 38:30) In the back of my mind I kept thinking "I already was asked to sing for one additional session (aside from my assigned one), so the chances of me having to sing this last song I need to memorize (which was for a different session) are REALLY slim." But, I finally decided that feeling prepared was worth the effort. Not to mention that getting my memorization skills up to par will certainly help me for future memorization requirements!

7 - Singing in the Conference Center and becoming more acquainted with this marvelous building. The spirit there is incredible and it's an architectural wonder. I was humbled again at being able to take part in singing in this Choir.

6 - Singing next to Andrew, Eric, Preston, Ryan, Mark, and Ben during rehearsals and live performances this week. What awesome singers!

5 - Hearing compliments given by choir members to other choir members. There's just such a spirit of love in the choir and everyone thus far has been so friendly and supportive and ready to compliment whenever possible. I was the recipient of several such compliments this past week and they really made me feel happy.

Hanging out
4 - Having opportunities to talk off-topic behind "stage". Truth be told, there is very little time to actually just talk to other choir members. Mack and Ryan run a tight ship and talking really isn't tolerated during rehearsals. However, this past week there were several opportunities to have various conversations with people and further friendships.

3 - Pondering some of the lyrics to the songs we were singing. Here are just a few of so many we sang:

Take time to be holy, speak oft with the Lord;
Abide in Him always, and feed on His Word.
Make friends of God's children, help those who are weak,
Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek.

I believe in Christ; so come what may,
With him I'll stand in that great day
When on this earth he comes again
To rule among the sons of men.

Fear not, though the enemy deride;
Courage, for the Lord is on our side.
We will heed not what the wicked may say,
But the Lord alone we will obey.

Press on, enduring in the ways of Christ.
His love proclaim thru days of mortal strife.
Thus saith our God: "Ye have eternal life!"
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

My wife Jennifer and one of
my sons Joshua at the Sun
PM session
2 - Feeling the support of friends and family, particularly my wife and kids who allow me the time away to do this. It's not easy but my wife doesn't complain one bit and my kids work hard to pick up the slack. THANK YOU!

1 - Being able to listen to modern day prophets and apostles. I relish Conference every April and October and being able to sing in the Choir made it an even more cherished experience. I love what these brothers and sisters say to us and am grateful that in this world of shifting values and general chaos there are voices reminding me what is good and true. 
President Thomas S. Monson (middle) with his counselors Henry B. Erying & Dieter F. Uchtdorf

It's now onward and upward to learn music for our upcoming performance of The Messiah. 

Until next time...God be with you!