Due to a bad eye infection this past week, I chose not to participate in choir. So I don't have a lot to say about the actual choir experience this time. However, I did want to share a few thoughts I had which aren't too terribly related, but perhaps worth sharing anyway.
The first relates to our renewed efforts to be more intentional missionaries (which is one of the new directives of the Choir). One way I can do that is to promote recent streaming playlists that have been created--which give listeners new opportunities to listen to the music of the Choir with certain themes in mind. The official Choir blog mentioned it awhile back, but I wanted to highlight it myself and point you to the latest playlist created on Spotify called "Meditate with the Tabernacle Choir". You can bring up that playlist by clicking HERE. While I have not gotten into a great habit yet of mediating daily, I do recognize the value of meditation. And this playlist (which promises "calm and relaxing songs") can be one of the tools you can use to achieve your meditation goals. Each month the Choir will create a new themed playlist, so be sure and click on the "Follow" button at the Choir's Spotify home page to be notified of when new playlists and overall new content are published.
Switching to another topic....
A friend in the choir texted me minutes after the rehearsal started Thursday night to say that we would no longer have to be covid tested each time we came to the Tabernacle to rehearse or perform. So that was happy news. With testing gone and masks gone, I suppose the choir experience is returning to "normal" at long last.
A part of me though wants to cry out "But wait! Does someone want to acknowledge mistakes that were made? The pain that was caused? The emotional turmoil inflicted? How about mentioning the subset of choir/orchestra/bells individuals who still can't be with us to share their light and their testimony because they chose to do what they felt was right in abstaining from vaccination? What about them? While the choir carries on, they continue to hurt and live with a level of frustration that few can relate to. What about the people who felt backed into a corner to get vaxxed/boosted and who are still working to resolve bitter feelings they have? Simply moving on after a 20 second announcement is a very unrealistic thing to expect of them. Yes, is there a need to take up the cross and secure our hands firmly on the tether of forgiveness? Absolutely. Being a Christian demands that of us. But it's not easy. It takes time. It takes faith. And a lot of prayer."
I get it. Most people (and choir members) are ready to leave the pandemic far behind them. And while I really don't want to talk about it anymore myself and instead focus on helping heal people throughout the world through music (as we all need healing for one reason or another), I reserve the right to still bring up the topic most people have moved on from in an effort to help me and help others arrive at a place they long to be.
So bear with me, please.
Until next time, God be with you.