Dr. Andrew Crane |
From there, we went up to the loft for a shortened rehearsal. As we rehearsed, members of the World Congress of Families (here for their convention in Salt Lake City)
started filing in and around 8:45, we ended rehearsal and went right into a mini-concert for them.
There's been some divisiveness surrounding this convention, and plenty of criticism has been thrown around for the congress's position on this or that. But you know what? The mission of the Tabernacle Choir is not to judge people or get involved in any of that. We're here to sing to people. All people. And we sing with a prayer in our hearts that the Spirit of Truth will enter people's hearts and they'll feel uplifted and strengthened and pursue a path of goodness and love.
As we concluded the concert with Come, Come Ye Saints, Come Thou Fount, and Climb Every Mountain, I looked out into the audience and saw person after person wiping tears from their eyes. Sometimes, when we sing these big, rousing numbers so filled with power and emotion, I just bring all of the joy and happiness I have to bear, hoping that members of the audience will connect and feel something. Something that will linger. Something that will help them strive to live just a little bit better. Something that will help them recognize God's love for them. And I feel like the majority of the audience did, indeed, feel something uplifting and encouraging.
To end the post today, I want to share a special message, with permission, that came via text to a friend of mine, Ben, following our broadcast of Music & the Spoken Word today:
"Ben--the message, music, and scenery presented today in Music & the Spoken Word meant a lot to my parents who have suffered so much physically and emotionally this past summer and autumn. I am with them again this weekend and they were both brought to tears watching the program today. It inspired and lifted them at this time because they cannot be in Church (because of their compromised immune systems). So this is their "church" each Sunday and this is just the message and music they needed today. Please pass our gratitude on to your colleagues and the folks associated with the program."
You just never know, sometimes, what impact you'll have on others! God works His personalized miracles, behind-the-scenes, to affect so many. And often He uses others to accomplish those miracles. I hope we can all live to be someone's miracle this week.
Until next time, God be with you.